
WGS.....Can he become Celtics greatest ever manager??

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So Bikerbear, who do you think Celtics greatest ever manager is?




  1. No one will ever take big Jock's title as Celtic's best ever manager.

  2. so you are saying that wee gordon could win the european cup with 11 scottish players in his team then

    didn't think it was something you's would have forgot..x

  3. No way, he will never lead them to 9 in a row or a Champions League title.

  4. no he wont when celtic are playing well they arent shouting his praises and when they arent they are calling for his head one bad run of results will be bye bye's just now though he is helped by the poorest Rangers team for ten years

  5. unfortunately belfast,he is always going to have to live with the fact that rangers have been c**p for a good while now.there is no obvious improvement on the horizon.10,11,12,13,14 in a row is possible cos the gers support will drift away as usual whilst this is happening

  6. Aye, give a million monkeys a million typewriters for a million years and they will eventually come up with Shakespear.

    same scenario.

    give a million strachans a million quid for a million years and eventually he will sign someone decent.

  7. well its a definite No ! from me

    youll find his name on this page

  8. NO but am sure he'll pave the way to the MAN who will come second in line to the BIG MAN KING JOCK STEIN R.I.P.

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