
WH in New Zealand from 08-09?

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Will be starting my working holiday in NZ at April 08, any joiner?

Any suggestion to travel the whole island in a year with budget way?

Thank you




  1. Kia Ora! (hello). Id recommend you take advantage of the many camp sites around NZ. These can be particulaly good if you hire a compervan first, and are usually pretty cheap (check out the many websites on google). Although NZ is very safe country, try and avoid hitchiking, (as with any country). Im sure you'll have a great holiday, I hope you enjoy all that New Zealand has to offer!

  2. Belle C has the right idea... there are many campgrounds all around NZ, many of which are free to stay (or very cheap).  Many people here on working holidays buy a cheap, second hand car (check out or rather than renting.  A year would be plenty of time to see the whole country.  Also, you could follow the seasonal work (fruitpicking, vineyards, etc) around the country as a great way to see different places, meet lots of other travellers and locals. Plus a lot of the places where you get that type of work offer free or cheap lodging onsite or nearby, so you're saving on accommodation, plus earning $$.  You mention travelling "the whole island"... there are actually 2 main islands in NZ - north and south (yeah, I know, we're really great at inventing interesting names, huh?).  The North Island is more populated, but still with a majority of rural areas and some beautiful scenery and places.  The South Island is more rural, with lots of unspoilt wilderness... especially the West Coast (yup, another inventive name!!) this is really rugged and beautiful, with lots of awesome tramping/hiking etc.

    All the best with your holiday & travels...

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