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My mate "G" acts like a girl all the time. He even uses a handbag. But he swears he's not g*y. I really want to seriously tell him that's it ok. What can i do?




  1. First make sure he's in a good mood. Then casually tell him all the things you don't want people to know about you. Then ask him if he has any-if he doesn't mention being g*y then bring up the courage to telling him SERIOUSLY that he is g*y.

  2. Unless he says he is, you'd be best not to assume otherwise. I know several heterosexual men who are quite effeminate but are not homosexual at all.

  3. you can try this  

  4. just tell him "you know, id be okay with it if your g*y"

  5. I think that further pushing the issue would only deteriorate your friendship with him. The issue of being "g*y" is kinda touchy these days, and insisting to someone that they are g*y might offend them, even if they secretly are.

    Just let it go. If he is g*y, we will eventually come to the realization of it.

  6. just say it don't lie  

  7. Why do you think he's g*y? Does he have boyfriends?

    He's probably just a girlish boy or maybe transgendered.

  8. You shouldn't hurt your friendship by telling him it doesn't matter to you what his sexual orientation is. Maybe he's metro-sexual.

  9. He really really might NOT be g*y. He might just be very girlie and still yet like girls.

    Also he may feel like a girl himself. And if so, he may be much more than just g*y.

    So it depends how close you are to this person. This is very personal questions/issues, so be sure you have a right to brobe into this mates life.

    Are you intimate with this person. If so, I think you have a right to know these issues, or at least it would be fair to know them better.  

  10. Don't accuse him of being g*y. Just tell him these exact words:

    "Dude, I know that you're not g*y, but it's okay if you are. I don't care about that."

    He'll appreciate that.

  11. He probably doesn't feel ready to come out yet (if he is actually g*y and not just feminine). You can say to him when you're alone one time, "I know you say you're not g*y, and as your friend I'm going to take your word for it, but also because I'm your friend, you know I'd still be your friend if you do ever come out as g*y and that it'd be completely fine with me." Then he knows that atleast you'll be there for him if he wants to come out.

    Remember though that he could just be a feminine guy who likes to use a handbag. In today's world, men are becoming more feminine every day (using face cream, hand cream, even cosmetics such as 'manscara' and man eye-liner). He could be totally straight.

    Ultimately, let him decide when he wants to come out (if he's g*y!).  

  12. Tell him your not going to talk to him anymore till he stops acting g*y, people might think your g*y.

    Tell him straight up.

  13. Just sit him down and let him know that if he were g*y, it wouldn't change anything.  He might not be g*y tho, he could just be fairly effeminate.  If he still swears he's not g*y, then don't push it.

  14. Being bi/g*y is on a need to know basis, and no one really needs to know unless they are attracted to that person.

    Just be his pal. Maybe the way he acts is just part of his natural persona and he can't help it. The handbag could be just a handy item he finds useful. I myself carry a back pack when I don't have pants on that have pockets down the thigh or calf of my leg. A wallet throws my back out and my leg falls asleep. When I'm dressed up I carry little ID in my brest pocket and a money belt concealed under my shorts.

    Or with the handbag he either uses it to draw attention to him self (a rebel), or he uses it because others tell him not to.

  15. Tell him you have a relative who is g*y and you think g*y people are very cool. Just bring it up in conversation one day.

    Or you could do what I have done: You could say something like this: "So, what do you think of g*y people?" When he says that he thinks that they are cool, that gives you permission to ask if he is. If he says that he has no problem with it, but he will never do any thing like that, then you know it is not ok to ask him. This has worked for me in the past.

  16. you dont.

  17. If he says hes not g*y then leave it, or just sit him down and say that its ok if you're g*y, its not going to change anything. But it might be best to leave it and wait until hes ready to tell you.

  18. Next time it comes up in conversation, tell him that although he says he's not g*y, you don't care if he is.  Being effeminate is not necessarily being g*y though!

  19. First you need to properly know if they are g*y. Do this by asking them as this is the only way to know for sure.

    Then tell them "You're g*y!"

    You just might do that and I wouldn't put it past you.

  20. Just ask him outright and accept his answer

    Then ask why he acts like a girl and accept that as a friend youv should be able to talk to him about anything good luck

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