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I am a 14 year old girl who always wanted to be a boy since as long as I can remember.

My first memories where wanting to be a boy. I hated being a girl and I always wished that I was a boy. I would refuse to wear girls clothes and I would only want to wear boys clothes. I didn't play with girls toys at all and for Christmas and my Birthday I would always ask for toys that boys play with. If someone made me wear girls clothes I would get very irritated and mad and I would suffer. My very first memory was back in October of 2000 when I was 5 years old.

It was the Yankees vs. the Mets baseball game and we were allowed to wear shirts with our favorite team on them. My mom wanted me to wear this white girls shirt with stars on it but I knew it was a girls shirt and I didn't want to wear it. I told her no that's a girls shirt I want a boys shirt and she just looked for a plain shirt for me that wasn't for girls. And she just gave me a plain navy blue shirt to wear since I liked the Yankees and I wore it to school. I also remembered wishing I was a boy when I blew out the candles on my cake for almost every birthday I had when I was younger thinking it just might come true but it never did and it made me feel very sad and deppressed. I also wanted my hair cut short like a boy but my mom prefered it long but I hated my hair long but I got my hair cut short anyway. And most strangers thought I was a boy and that made me feel very happy but when someone knew I was a girl that made me feel deppressed because I didn't want to be a girl nor look like a girl--- I wanted to be a boy. Everytime I saw a star at night I just kept wishing I was boy. I always felt like I was a boy inside but I was trapped in a girls body and I always thought that I should have been born a boy. My parents didn't think nothing of it and they think it's just a phase. I never told them I wanted to be a boy I just kept it inside me. So they probably just think im a tomboy. I am attracted to girls and not guys. I always dream of dating a hot girl. I like guys but just as friends-- I would never date a guy. Up to this day I still wish I was a boy and dress in young mens clothes. I think I should have been born a boy. So what should I do now? And what am I-- transgender, transexual, transman ect..?




  1. It sounds like you have gender dysphoria.  I had the same thoughts all through growing up but wanted desparately to be a girl.  I wish I had the advice people will give you here.

    Talk to your Parents about it!  Be smart and have information for them about Gender Dysphoria so that they can get you into therapy.  Your therapist will be your friend and sounding board and help you build self esteem and a self image that you can live with.  There is treatment...   but before you think about that just get your parents to have you see someone with experience in gender issues.   It is such an important start at your age.   Be open and honest and BE YOURSELF.

  2. what you are doing is an abomination...... as of now but its never too late to pray and repent. the bible says that man is meant to lay with woman and not man with man nor woman with woman..... DEVIL means DECEIVER and that's what he is doing ...... playing with your mind GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS

  3. It sounds like you might be struggling with an issue of transgender.  I would really like you to talk to an adult you trust.  It doesn't have to be your parents, it could be someone at church or a cool teacher that you're close to.  But you're too young to deal with such a life-changing and no doubt scary problem alone! You should have a friend to help you through this.  

  4. You are you. We can't really tell you much more than that.

    Besides, you know who and what you are. It's sitting right there in your gut. The rest of it is just labels.

    If you're asking because you want to transition and to connect with other people like you. Well a gender therapist is usually a good call for transition, and questions that aren't rants and a mile long are good for connecting with people here.

  5. You are describing the classic symptoms of transsexualism which begin at a very young age (4 or 5 years old)

    Your next step is to seek professional help and have a professional diagnosis (just to be sure).  If you do suffer from GID and are classified as a transsexual do not feel ashamed.  But also realize that it is something  that will not evaporate over time.   The sooner you get professional counseling the better for you.  This is not something that you can walk all alone with.

    Depending on the intense feelings you may have, you may choose to live with it or get surgery so that your psyche is in sync with your biological make up.  There are pros and cons to both choices.

      Gender identity disorder (GID) is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists, psychiatrists and physicians to describe persons who experience significant gender dysphoria (discontent with the biological s*x they were born with).

    This is a huge issue and you would be wise letting your parents know that this not a passing phase but in fact it is tormenting you and needs to be dealt with.  The sooner you do this, the better.

  6. transgrander

  7. Actually dear heart you are a human being. It saddens me that you have come to hate who you are. You in fact were born a female or "girl" and you shouldn't hate that. I see this a great deal now of days. Girls, females, or women if you will are the most amazing members of the human race. They give life, love and nurturing to humanity and have accomplished amazing things since the first human walked this earth.

    Without females life would be utterly impossible and therefor women or girls if you will should be honored and cherished for the wonder that they are. I would suggest that you obtain the counsel of any responsible L*****n who can better help guide you in finding who you really are. Remember, at present you are operating on emotion and confusion as do we all at times in our lives. But please, don't hate the wonderful human being that you are. Instead embrace every amazing and beautiful aspect of who you are and never deny yourself respect.

    You can be as "butch" as you want, but please love and respect yourself and give yourself a true chance to find who you really are and don't rush things. Follow your heart and enjoy the real you. Focus your energies on making this world a better place and improving not only your own life but the lives of others. Make your mark.

    My qualifications in this matter are very limited so I approach you and your problem in human and spiritual terms. There are a myriad of competent L*****n counselors out there that can better guide you. I hope what I've said thus far has been of some assistance but now the ball is in your court. Take it and go for it.

    You are amazing and wonderful. Don't ever forget that.


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