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Tags: benefits, sleep
Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind characterized by altered consciousness, a state of muscle relaxation and reduced perception of environmental stimuli. Sleep is one of God's greatest gift to Mankind, Imagine if we could live without sleeping? Please Hold that thought....while we sleep our body goes into repairing mode therefore giving us energy when we wake up, here are the benefits of sleep:
We all think best when we are rested. A clear and alert brain allows us to think and remenber information and to be creative. A good amount of sleep helps us to process and retain information over a long period of time.
Sleep helps in enhancing creativity. After sleep, people are 33% percent more likely to infer connections among distant related ideas.
After you've woken up from sleep, you can take in more of what is happening in your surroundings, because your body has rested, your brain is alert waiting to take in more from the "space" it has created due to sleep.
After a Hard day at work, or school, or any other activity that might make you feel " you can't take anything in at all", this is the moment sleep comes in. Most times when we are really stressed up, we can't really think or focus.A good amount of sleep can do wonders by the time one wakes up again , they can be able to focus more and think more clearly with a relaxed mind.
Have you ever woken up in the morning and just want to go back to sleep? and even after you finish dressing up and on your way to work or your place of duty, you still find yourself drifting off, this can be really dangerous if you're driving and you slip off the wheel. Sleep is like a prescription, take the right amount and you're set to go. The saying: "early to bed, early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy and wise".
Definitely! After a good amount of sleep, what follows next is hunger! This really helps especially for those who don't get the opportunity to eat regularly plus reserved energy to do more, like exercise; as this also helps to increase mtabolism.
Lack of sleep can cause our immune system to weaken in defending and protecting us from cold, flu, virus and even some cancers. It is one of the factors that boosts our immune systems. Therefore get as much sleep as possible.
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Latest activity: 9 years, 3 month(s) ago. This question has 1 answers.