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I would like to start by books for my lessons.





    This is a cool site listing themes in alphabetical order. You should find plenty to choose from.

  2. Really the themes you choose for your room should be a reflection of the kids you have.  They should be based on their interests.  This will change some from year to year.  

    Here are some that are popular in my room.


    Seasons (snow, pumpkins, summer fun, etc.)



    Fair or carnival

    New babies


    Things that I always have in my room and try to incorporate through books are; feelings and emotions, families, shapes and colors, and popular characters.

  3. with the exception of colors, shapes, numbers and letters we do the holidays, fire safety, butterflies, seasons, winter animals, Dr. Suess, pets, families - I can't think of anymore but I'm sure there are more!

  4. Aside from the important alphabet, numbers, colors and shapes. The themes I focus on are seasons, family and self awareness. Above all remember to have fun, if you do the kids will to!!

  5. Preschoolers want to learn about the world around them. Of course you want to teach them the alphabet and number and seasons and months. However, if you want to teach the child something outside the ordinary, allow them to pick the subject. See what they are interested in. It could range from food to worms outside. After viewing what they are interested in something, take the initiative to prepare lessons. Make them interactive so that they learn by having fun with you.

  6. I was pre-k teacher for 3 years and what seemed to work with the kids and my planning was basing my planning on the alphabet.  For example week 1 was gettign to know the kinds and thier habits, and getting confortable with thier new setting.  The I did a week for the letter A.  I made arts and craft, sang songs, did experiments, played games that were based on the letter A.  I also had an A box which the kids would find things that started with A in the classroom and they were put in the A box.  I also worked on the number 1 that same week.  I found this really cool program kins its called Zoo phonics.  Look it up Its so cool!!  It helped with planning and ideas.  I changed things to fit what was good for my class.  And my older pre-K  NO JOKE slowly picked up the reading concept. I'm not kidding.  And it was so amazing.  The Zoo Phonics also give you idea to teach your kids like the world around them, saftey, music, books, other languages, familys, working together.  Its a really good investment and oh so wounderful. Oh there is this really cool show on pbs call Reading Between the Lions.  I also implemented this fromt hat show with helping the kids learning to read.  I also circle time which was in the begining of clas and that was where we talked about the calendar, days of the week, months, the days date, shapes, letter of the week, number of the week, sang songs, the days weather and whatever I saw needed to be talked about.  If you have any questions I would be more then happy to help if you find my techniques interesting. Oh I also taught my kid sign lanuge like thank you, sorry, apple, game, turtle, please, love you, I just bought a simple book at a book store for it the kids loves talking with out speaking and it sometimes made the class alittle more peaceful.

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