
WHAT ARE THREE PROBLEMS RELATING TO decision making that occur when managers complete performance reviews?

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Identify and describe a minimum of 3 problems, relating to decision making that occur when managers complete performance reviews. Since the focus of our class is on decision making focus on problems that relate to decision issues in your findings. Be sure you identify each problem separately (don’t put all your findings in a single large block paragraph).

Provide specific suggestions for each of the problems you identified so that supervisors can eliminate or reduce each of the problems identified. Try to avoid "general" recommendations as they rarely cover or help correct all the problems you will identify.




  1. I read on a page the following 2 problems:

    1. Selective perception

    The managers' perceptions are heavily influenced by what they expect to see.

    2. Decision dissonance

    ... Actually, I am not sure about this. I read somewhere else about post-decision dissonance. It is the mechanism of justifying a decision we have already made, which we did not like at first.

    Well, hope you got 2 useful ideas.

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