
WHAT BREED IS MY DOG ? (pics included)?

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i came up my decision that its a chiuhuaua and rat terrier mix but im still not sure.

PLEASE no rude comments on how ugly my dog is. I know its ugly but it looks cute to me and i love it :) thank you




  1. Hi Dear,

      He is a very cute dog.. He does have Chihuahua and Scottist Terrier in him My Friend.

    Your Friend,


  2. He kinda looks like a chihuahua X with a Pug

  3. He difinately looks like Chihuahua, mix, he is not ugly, , Not sure what he is mixed with, but was a small mix.  

  4. looks like a chiuhuaua boston terrior mix

  5. Not sure.Looks a little bit like chiuhaua so u mite be rite in ur decision.

    But its definetely not ugly at all.I think it looks very very cute whichever bbreed it is :)

  6. Parson Russell x Chihuahua x Boston Terrier .   I don't think Rat Terrier is in his lineage (I owned Ratties.)  But anything is possible with crossbreeds.  One will  never know for sure.  But he is adorable!

  7. Its adorable! I think its a chihuahua terrier mix maybe jack,rat or fox terrier!  

  8. Looks a lot like a Chihuahua-Fox Terrier mix to me. :)  

  9. It definitely has the Chihuahua short muzzle and eyes. The best I can see the body is too thick (in a good way) to be rat terrier. I don't know why you would say you know he is ugly. He is adorable and looks really sweet.  

  10. I have to agree with Poppy, my first thought was Chihuahua/ Scottish Terrier.  He is adorable!  Hope you gave him a good name.  Looks like he has a personality also.

    Good Luck


  11. yupp i think your right...and he is very cute

  12. Chihuahua mixed with possible: Terrier-Rat or Fox... as looks as though he has Boston Terrier or Pug mixed in, in some of the images.

  13. I think he is a Chihuahua/Pug mix,and he isn't ugly at all! I think he's sweet,and in the second pic,he looks like a litle sea lion!!

    Here's a brown one.

  14. i think it's adorable! Well, I admit, the first picture wasn't exactly flattering. But your love for your dog and the other pictures just persuades me to think it's SO CUTE!!

    well, as for the breed, I think you've got it right...i don't see any other combo.

  15. Maybe  chiuhuaua  and dachshund

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