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He has been through alot lately his father passed away 2months ago his ex is leaving with his two kids to los angeles (he lives in cen ca) he is crushed and devastated his kids are his life and joy. His son is going to be seperated from his little brother and sis, and is gonna be an emotional wreck for them and for him. What can i say and do to keep him thinking positive?




  1. Don't say anything is my guess. Just try to give him a little space while keeping consistent support for him...You are a wonderful person who cares...its beyond rough for him right now...his world is fading/changing dramatically...I lost my dad years a go...that's hard...losing kids to know. Just be there...try to go on as normally with the punches as you can...Takae Care

  2. before they all leave,.. try and make new memories,.. plan a day to spend with the kids like going to a theme park or going camping,.. make sure to do lots of documenting.. photos, videos etc...

    and before they all go their own way, make a scrap book that each party can take, or copies of videos or something...

    haha... sorry, i hope it helps.

    just dont get between him and his troubles right now

  3. just talk to him. let him let every thing out and just you know talk

  4.   defiantly take him  to a amusement park or some where out of the house regularly to ease his conscious and change  his environment. Simple things will help: walking to a park, fishing, or just watch the sun come up at the beach. Do not let him suppress his emotions, but try to let them flood out in one night. Its neat how babes and children are spontaneously and open. But  as adult hood approaches  everyone comes up with ways to cope and try to ignore emotions.

    I hope your boyfriend feels better soon Jeanette,


  5. This sounds a little strange but trust me, it will help. Schedule a spa day with him. Get a couples massage and take him to dinner. The relaxation will help ease the stress. Be as nice to him as you possibly can. Only time can heal this now.

  6. s*x lots and lots of s*x

    im not joking

  7. you really just need to stay as positive aboout the situation as you can be, just tell him all the benefits of the situation. it is hard having your child far away especially if they r used to being there all the time but it will eventually get easier, as long as he atays in the childs life. Everything happens for a reason the best way to get someone from being down and is not mention any negitive at all and point out all the positive.

  8. Take 'em all out for dinner or to a amusement park if they like that sort of stuff. Try to be with your boyfriend as much as possible, but I think the kids might not like you around, no offense. Try to be really understanding and develop a hobby together to keep his mind off things, like ice skating. Okay, maybe not ice skating, but something else ;) hope i helped!

  9. back massages for sure and just remind him that your'e there for support no matter what. there's not much you can do to help him but to try to not take his mind off it but maybe take the negative part off it. like scheduling a road trip or something and you go and visit the kids or something and keep telling him it's not that far or that they could be leaving the state but they aren't. go out to see movies to escape from reality a little bit or something. even like the person above said take a spa day for two of you so you can relax. remind him that he is a good father and that his kids will love him the same no matter where they are in relationship to eachother. it'll be hard but remind him he is strong and can deal with it. i'm not sure excatly the answer but keep the positivity flowing.

  10. There is not much one can say to ease that of a broken heart, but just you supporting him and being there to go through this emotional time is more than one can ask. I would have to say help him make arrangements to get his kids as much as possible just because not living in the same area does not mean they can not be in his life, he is still their father and a very important person in their life. You are a good person for him right now just being so understanding and worrying so much about his feelings and well being is a gift all it's own. May not be now but soon he will also she that your actions not your words were priceless. God luck and just be supportive and understanding and things will work out!

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