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Hey Hey, my bearded dragon is a ganit it will eat as much food as you can give it but will only eat certain food's so i need to get enough food for it per day

as im only a kid i thought well i could try breeding mealworms the family are fine with it but then the beardie wont have any food between the times of the mealworm hatching and the mealworm turning into a beetle to mate and then when the mealworms become a good size to feed to the beardie it would be dead

surely theres an easier way?

ps i cant order foods from the internet as im only 13




  1. beardies need black crickets, a reputable reptile shop will also provide the lizards, snakes,etc, and the food that they eat also a list or menu if u like of their dietry needs, young beardies are fed mainly on crickets and then veggies can be introduced as they get older but remember the crickets need to be gut loaded so that they contain plenty of nutrients for your beardie, veggies can be continental lettuce, lollo rosso for example, mango, dandelion leaves and their flowers, viola flowers, papaya, clover,cantaloupe,chinese cabbage, apple, no pips, oranges, water cress but all food including the crickets must be dusted in calcium and vitamin mixture and a uv light during daylight hours so that they can absorb the calcium into their bones so they remain well during their lifetime, mealworms should only be a occasional treat as they are high in fat and not good for your beardie, feed hoppers occasionaly to but make sure all food is only half the width of its head so as not to get stuck in its throat causing paralysis, anyway its great your asking as it shows you want to keep it responsibly, good luck.

  2. mealworms are not a good staple food for bearded dragons since they are high in chitan and can cause impaction. crickets and silkworms are the best protein for it but why not just buy crickets its usually not that expensive and alot easier than breeding crickets if its only for one dragon

    here's a great website that list all the foods that are good and bad for it

    and heres instructions for breeding crickets

  3. C-H-I-C-K-E-N

    Cook it first and feed it warm but not hot.

  4. BD's are omnivorous, meaning they eat vedgetable and meat matter.

    You can breed live foods ect, but need time and patience.

    Ideally, adult BD's eat more plants than meat, stating that you could grow your own?.

  5. If you can't afford what little it costs per week to feed your beardie, i seriously suggest giving it to someone who can afford to give it what it needs.

    You will need to have several mealworm colonies to provide constant food for your beardie and they take AGES to grow.

    I bred them once and after 2 months of tending to the new babies they were still only about 15mm long!

    Once they are adult, they should be eating about 70 percent vegetables so that will be easy enough.

    If you want to breed your own food, i seriously suggest breeding roaches. They are a great feeder, one of the best, and breed and grow at an astonishing rate.

    They are expensive to start a colony, but well worth it in the long run, here is a website that sells them but to get them cheaper check out some reptile forums or maybe even ebay.

    As for not being able to order from the internet, give your parents the money and get them to do it.

  6. I also have a bearded dragons, there normal diet consists of crickets and vegetables. I usually purchase a normal bag of salad and give them some everyday. This is great for bearded dragons as they love vegetables. But don’t not give your dragon any Ice Burg lettuce as it will kill them. Crickets can be purchased from most local pet stores and you can also breed crickets, meal worms are good but are only used for treats as they are very rich and giving to many could result in your bearded dragon being sick. Its like eating to much candy. For crickets get the large ones and feed your dragon about 20 a day. I usually buy about 400 hundred per week (But that’s for 3 bearded dragons.). Also chop up some fresh vegetables, like carrots, lettuce (Anything but Iceberg.), radish, broccoli ect. You can even treat your dragon to some fruit. Experiment with different types of vegetables and fruit to see what your dragon likes and be sure to change it up a little bit. Oh and next time, please, please, please, be sure to research and learn about any pet before getting one. I cannot stress that enough, so many people have gotten pets and they have either died or been abandoned because their owners could no take care of them.  

  7. You have a few breeders going at different times.


    You start one set breeding.  They lay eggs and so on.

    The following week you start a completely new set.  

    That way you have all the different life cycles going and a continuous supply of food.  I've done this with crickets, never meal worms.  It's just easier for me to get them from the pet store.

    Until your farm is producing regularly, you buy food from pet stores.

  8. Mealworms are not a good food for beardies as the shell on them is too hard to digest.  Mealies are fine for leopard geckos.  Better choices are crickets and superworms.  The more variety of insects  the better.  They also need a fresh salad every day, made up of dark leafy greens such as collards, mustard, or turnip greens.  Add green beans, squash, alfalfa pellets, a little fruit.  Sorry, but these guys are not cheap to own and feed...your parents are going to have to buy food for him as needed.  This is part of responsible pet ownership.  :)

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