

by Guest21353  |  earlier

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  1. There is only one answer to this question and recent history bears this out:

    Baring natural catastrophes the cause of famine is political in nature.  To say famine is caused by the lack of food is to use circular logic.  The lack of food IS famine, not the cause of it!  Systemic famine is a political problem, nothing more, and has little to do with "overpopulation"

    Proof:  Many African nations that are now having difficulty feeding their peoples were doing quite well in this regard when they were largely colonies of European nations administered under laws more or less similar to ours.  Several had larger populations then than they do now.  

    Japan with a population density higher than many starving African nations eats quite well.  North Korea with similar opportunities to South Korea can't feed its own people.  Hong Kong, which has to be one of the most overpopulated areas in the world, has no problem with famine.

  2. I kinda think that your question answers itself.  Overpopulation can cause famine. There's too many people and not enough food or resources to feed the people which is considered a famine.

  3. Too Many People + Not Enough Food = Famine

  4. Crop failure.  When the population is sustainable, typically, enough food can be stored to get through 2 years (to another growing season). Where you have overpopulation, storage of more than one year of food is pretty difficult partly because overpopulated areas have less arable land for crops (having been taken over for other purposes).

    Also, war can also intensify a famine, as is the case in Africa right now.  Crops are destroyed, stolen by armies or farmers are killed or leave area for fear of their lives. Distrubution is also affected.

  5. My guess would be lack of food.

  6. There are several factors. Overpopulation in an area causes people to fight amoung themselves. Overpopulation makes people lazy and not wanting to help themselves. Overpopulation makes people dependent on a government that refuses to help those in need, thus eliminating much of that population.

    Back a few hundred years ago people depended upon themselves and grew and hunted what they needed to eat. It was not until government controls and free handouts came into effect that people quit taking care of themselves. Now they don't know how and lay around making babies with nothing to do but make babies....

    Harsh...but reality

  7. Poverty is the root of the cause. Overpopulation causes poverty. People is denied of excess to food because they are poor. There are plenty of food in the world but there isn't any food there because the people there cannot afford to buy those food. So, lack of food and water is not really accurate although it is true.

  8. lack of water and food

  9. The food supply isn't enough to sustain the whole population = famine

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