Please, help me, I'm crying hysterically! I NEED HELP! I grew out my hair real long, like, past my chest to the top of my stomach and I was forced to get my hair cut, my mother told the woman 1 inch w/ layers and it's TOO F*CKIN SHORT!!! I got home and threw a temper tantrum which I haven't done since I was 5!!!! I called a friend before she left for NJ today and she said she'd straighten it for me and it'd look longer straightened, but I just quickly straightened it five mins ago to check and it's still TOO SHORT! I start my last year of school Wednesday and I spent ALL YEAR growing my hair long so it'd be long at the BEGINNING of school and it looks so totally CRAPPY!!!!! HELP!!!!! PLEASE! THANKS! 10 PNTS!