

by  |  earlier

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let me tell you about my day in 10TH GRADE!!!

i have a mole and all the kids are making fun of me

ive been made fun of for almost 10 YEARS now!!!!!

they make fun of me so much i go home and plan things to do to them and how im going to do this to them

because theyve made me suffer so now its their turn

and then being made fun of and no one to help me i feel suicidal

i dont want to kill myself

and i dont want to kill

i havent talked about getting them removed to my parents because im scared they wont understand and theyll make fun of me or get mad at me for what im thinking of doing

i dont want to kill

but i dont want to be made fun of

please help

i wrote down what im going to do to them today and i felt so evil

then i backed up and realized im a monster and i dont want to do this but my other half screams at me to do it

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

if theres anybody out there

i want you to answer this

i need you!!!!!




  1. Alex? Come down first of all.. Look I want you to understand something.. KIDS THIS DAYS ARE VERY CRUEL AND MEAN but if you are smart enough you know how to ignore :) I know is hard believe me I was made fun of in middle school and Elementary for my Diabetes! Is hard and some words can really damage you, I think you really need to go see your counselor and talk to her/him about what other kids are doing to you, don't worry about looking like a snitch or anything like that but you have to have respect for yourself before anyone has it for you so go to to an adult and tell them was going on!

    Best of luck <3 Stay strong!

  2. You need to talk to your parents, a teacher, your minister, counselor or some adult. You certainly don't want to hurt yourself, nor do you want to hurt anyone else, you would be in jail, and would not help the suitation.  It is not a good feeling to be made fun of, you need to talk to an adult and get it stopped.


  3. My God, talk to your parents about having it removed, It is no big deal to have it taken off. Then tell those a$$holes to kiss your a$$.

  4. I had someone I knew that people called Mole and said "moley moley moley" from Austin powers. He said in a happy voice "it's moleman yeahhh". Often he referred to himself as the moleman. Or you could just ignore it or what I'd do. Verbal abuse pointing out if they don't shut their mouth I'll knock their head in.

    Note: I just read then that you said your feeling suicidal. Knock the little shts out and spit on them. Or go seek help with the school guidance officer or talk about it to teachers that it is really affecting you to the point of having suicidal thoughts. Don't let it get to you mate, remember it all comes to an end, if you are smart University is the way to go and believe me there is a lot less idiots there than school. You just need to either stick up for yourself or get the offenders into serious trouble with the threatening of explusion. Bullying is such a sad occurence and it's more common than everyone thinks - if I was at your school mate I'd have a go at em for ya. Don't do anything radical - except for bashing the living daylights out of them, because you don't want to get the police involved. School fights are not dealt with by the cops -it's just suspension and the satisfaction of knowing you smashed some immature idiots face in. Yeah, Hope I helped.

  5. Don't bring yourself down to their level, when they say something just ask them if there life really sucks that bad that they have nothing better to do only to talk sh*t to people, They only do it to make their selves feel better, So there has to be something about them you can point out.  

  6. this wont be easy at first, but in the long run it will be best for you. people, kids ecspecially will bring up things about others because they are insecure about themselves,and can only make themselves feel better by picking on others, and alot of times they will get a laugh from their friends by saying mean stuff. I would say look at cindy crawford, she is one of the most beautiful women in the world, and she has a mole right by her mouth, has that stopped her in life, NO, the best thing for you to do is just ignore the comments, and make a life they will just be jealous of down the road. while they are busy picking on you/others as a source of entertainment you can just be mapping out your life and creating success that comes from your mind and heart, while they are most likely getting ready for their life at burger barn.

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