
WHAT DO I DO ( except call the police ) ?

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O.K... So, there are 3 teen robbers at the back side of our house. They sometimes creep out when there is no people. It is also an incident of year 2006 in which they are reported to the police and they were brought to the department of social welfare and development. And... Now they're back. WHAT DO I DO?




  1. Put up a "Intruders will be shot" sign.

    Buy a gun...warn them to leave, but if they don't, shoot them.

    That's kinda how it's done down here in LA.

  2. There are a few easy "environmental" ways to deal with these guys.  It worked for me at my old house.  Install bright lights where they like to hide, if you have neighbours who this might bother then get the ones with a motion sensor.  This will also serve as a warning to your neighbours that those guys are back now.  Often if they are "sneaking" around this is one of the best ways to deter people.  The police in my area have been recommending this to local business owners who complain of late night loiterers.  Another idea is the no trespassing sign.  always a good idea, but put it up to high for them to "tag".  Another helpful thing to do is clear that area out.  Move garbage cans, shrubs lock dumpsters if there is one prune trees so the area is more visible.  All of these things are great ways to make the area feel unsafe for criminal activity.

  3. No. (to part two)

  4. Put up no trespassing signs, take pictures of the signs, the intruders, and make sure your pics have dates.  You cannot take the law in your own hands.  You what you have to do and if that doesnt work.  I think your only option is the police.

  5. next time you see them, call the cops.  Tell them you have trespassers. do it EVERYTIME you see them.  If you are in Canada here's the rule: put up a sign that says "no tresspassing" the second they step on your lawn they are "breaking a rule of the property" and therefore automatically tresspassing, call the cops.

    If you are in the states: by a gun, pretty sure if they are on your property you have a right to shoot them in most states.  Get a pellet or bb gun though.  You don't want to actually kill someone but those BB's hurt like h**l and trust me, they won't come back.

  6. Well, from my understanding of your question, all I can say is that if you have a valid reason to fear these guys, then yes!  - By all means, do so.

    Don't confront them yourself.

    If they're on your property, they're trespassing.  

    But - if you want more assurance, and I'd do it quickly, depending on the situation, go to the "Police and Law Enforcement" Category now.

    Here's the link:;_ylt=ApA9....

  7. Get a big scary dog.

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