
WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?!?

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I have a friend who seems to get more annoying everyday. She makes everything about herself. She literally craves attention. If nothing goes her way, she gets pissed. She thinks she is just the greatest at everything, and when she asks my opinion on something she did, I always give her my honest answer, and if it's opposite of what she wanted to hear, she claims it's because I'm jealous of her. I can't take her self-centered attitude anymore. Normally a person would blow up in her face about it and let it all out, but i'm not like that. It's really hard for me to be mean to someone or make them mad. How can I tell her she's driving me crazy without being mean?




  1. You could always just try to distance yourself away slowly from her instead of telling her, if you want to be nice. Or you could tell her lightly all the things she does that have been bothering you, and let her decide what to do after that. If she doesn't take it well, and stops talking to you, you have your problem solved, or she'll realize what she's been doing. But some people will never change, so don't be surprised if she just gets offended, since she's self-centered, and stops talking to you or tries to insult you somehow.  =]

  2. Well, I can speak from experience. My roommate is the exact same way.

    We are both in our mid-twenties and both work in a high stress fast paced professional environment.

    About five months after she moved it just simply got to much to handle.

    But the things that have helped me get through it:

    Know that she is incredibly insecure about herself. (it may not seem like it... but I promise that is the case)

    Never cater to what she wants to hear (you've done good so far)

    Never talk about her behind her back. ESPECIALLY if others are. Keep your mouth shut.

    Stop hanging around her, as much as possible. Fill your time with other people that you like and who make you feel good.

    In conversation, tell her that you have this friend "That is unbelievably self centered. It has gotten to the point where no one wants to hang out with her. It's sad, you know, because modesty goes a long way and she's just s******g herself by thinking she more important than the rest of the world." And then look at her for a response.

    Above all else, don't waste your time on her. People like that are commonly referred to as "Energy Vampires". The truly seek to suck the life out of you for their progression.

    Don't let her win. And please, know... you are leaps and bounds ahead of her in the game.

  3. Sometimes people are like that. And really there is not much you can do for someone who is self centered. Give her a taste of her on medicine.
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