

by  |  earlier

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First Day

It was the little boy's first day at school, and he needed to go to the toilet.

"Okay," said the teacher, it's the door on the right at the end of the corridor.

A moment later he came back to the classroom looking agitated.

"I can't find it, " he said.

The teacher repeated the directions and sent him off again.

He returned, choking back tears. "I still can't find it."

The teacher asked an older boy to show the little boy where the toilet was. When they returned, she asked if everything was alright.

The older boy said "Yes, Miss, he had his underpants on back to front."

-Who's Sorry Now?

A lady had a beautiful cat that she adored. One evening as she sat stroking it by the fireside, she dreamed of her cat turning into a handsome prince.

Suddenly there was a flash of light, and lo and behold, there stood before her the most handsome prince anyone could possibly imagine.

The prince took her hand in his and murmured, "Aren't you sorry now that you took me to the vet last week?"




  1. the first was ok but the second was rely good

    keep up the good work

  2. lolz gr8 jokes i really like the 2nd 1  

  3. First one made me smile the 2nd I have heard before but still good! Thank you x

  4. ha ha ha!!! i liked the first one better though!!!

  5. not heard the first one before

    the second one is kinda old, and has many different versions

  6. the last one was the best lol

    i got in touble for laughing so hard  (in public library)

  7. hahhaahahahahahahaha lmao

    i am LOVING the cat one!

    u r soooo dam funny! x x x x x x

  8. haha..

    smiLed at the 2nd^^

    thanks 4 sharing",

  9. Good one jokeduck. That actually happened to a boy at my school...oh alright then it was me, but I was only 5

  10. like the last one

  11. there okay

  12. i liked the second 1

  13. Funny, funny

  14. First one - very good.

    Second one - as old as the dinosaurs.

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