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My son is 3 weeks old and is usually a very good baby. But today i have struck a problem. He has been feeding on and off for 2 and a half hours which isnt normal but now hes spitting out his dummy, spitting out my boob, has a clean nappy, not too hot or cold, i pick him up for a cuddle and he starts crying and sucking his hand like he wants to be fed but when i put him on he spits it out again within 2 mins. He isnt crying but he seems really agitated like flappying his arms and kicking his legs quite fast. he hasnt slept for about 3 hours which is strange! I cant get him to sleep in his bed or in my arms or anywhere. I dont have a car to take him for a drive otherwise i would. Please help




  1. you seem to have alot of good answers already but mayby if it not gas he has gotton over tired put him in his cot wrap him up tightly and let him cry for a bit usually works for my daughter she cries hersself to sleep has a great nap and wakes up in a better mood ....i know it sounds mean but if they are over tired it can sometimes be the only thing that works good luck


  3. Ahhhhhh! I came on here with the exact same problem with my 3 week old boy.   He slept for a grand total of SEVEN hours yesterday (ie/ the entire 24 hour period). Poor guy is so overtired now that he can't sleep.  A few times we did get him to sleep and it was only 20 minutes until his next feed.  

    My husband and I laughed that we need flashcards on the wall to remind us of the cycle to check -- hungry? wet or dirty nappy? dummy? gas pains? bored and wants a change of scenery or position? needs a cuddle? swaddle? hot or cold? etc etc.   Last night we went through all of them over and over and over and he still woke up every hour and 15 minutes like clockwork. He screamed the house down and I am debating sending flowers to the neighbours today!  

    Try winding him in many different positions.  People will tell you breast fed babies don't get much wind but if he has been crying he is taking in loads of wind while he is screaming.  Put him gently across your knees so the pressure of your knees is on his tummy.  Rub and pat his back for at least 20 minutes.  Put some good music on and pat to the rhythm of the tune to keep your mind occupied.   When you're done that, put him on your shoulder and do the same.  

    Another thing I do is cuddle him with his head on my heart and sing to him.  I put on some music (for some reason ABBA works well for us....) and sing along.  I have the worst singing voice in the world so turn the music up loud enough to drown myself out - he can still hear me and he doesn't care if I'm out of tune.

    And, finally, get yourself some Infacol.  It's about 3 quid and within 2 to 3 days you will notice a difference if the problem is wind. Give a dropper-full before each feed and it takes all of the small bubbles and joins them into larger ones so that he can burp them out easily.  We get some massive belches now and can easily see why he was screaming in pain.

    Good luck!  

  4. Does he have any sores or yeast in his mouth?

    Sounds like his mouth is sore, but your pediatrician is always on call, so you can give them a call- that's what they're there for.

  5. For God's sake please dont hold him upside down like a previous answer said!!! That is ridiculous!! It sounds like he might have gas!! I have tons of those gassy prohblems with my baby girl!! You could try giving him a warm bath, massage his tummy in a light circular motion or turn some lullaby music on and walk him to sleep!! My sweetheart was all upset and gassy tonight and the music worked like a charm after I gave her a warm bath and a massage!! Good Luck Hun!!

  6. Here's something I learned from going thru that, do a check list of possibilities.

    1. Hunger

    2. burping

    3. nappy

    4. check for anything on him like a stray hair wrapped around his arm, fingers, etcetc

    5. swaddle him or

    6. give him a warm bath with lavendar to calm him down than try feeding him again. or

    7. take him for a walk or a stroll around the area in his carriage, sometimes seeing something different helps.

    When my daughter would get like that it was usually gas or she needed something different, like a walk around outside would calm her. Or her Heart blanket. a blanket that has the actual viberations and sounds of a heart.  

  7. Well this is a common problem which every newly mother suffered. About yours Problem you might have some prescibed diet by the doctors. i think last days you have eaten something heavy or more spicy. and it could also be possible that yours body temprature to high for feeding baby. Just try one time, go for bath before feeding baby, the reason that yours body temprature will reduce, another reason is yours body swet which could make problem for yor baby. and one thing which you can do.......

    its and excersise..........

    just grip your baby from his feet and hold him in air for 5 to 10 second i mean in baby head will be to the earth and feet will be in sky.

    try this i am sure this will definatly help you. nerver worry about this excersise this excercise never harm baby.

    Usully try to eat a very light diet for first six month.

    take care.

    repply me if need any help


  8. Possible causes:

    1. Overtired

    2. trapped wind

    3. sore mouth

    4. constipated

    5. room temperature

    6. reflux

    Possible Solutions:

    1. Sing to him and cuddle him

    2. Infacol...or...lay him face down over your knee and gently pat his bum/back

    3. have a doc check that he doesn't have thrush in his mouth or something similar

    4. Ask your doc if he can take boiled water cooled down - or get something from the chemist

    5. should be 18 degrees celcius in the room - give or take

    6. talk to the doc - may need to change his food - especially if he's lactose intolerant - which is possible

    Failing all of the above - and he's just crying to exercise his lungs...then give him a nice bath and put on some nice cosey wife sometimes lies our son on the bed while she dries her hair with the hairdyer...he loves that...instant silence!!

  9. I would just talk to him and "play" with him, maybe try baby exercises like bicycle kicks and stretches.

  10. i would say gas or over tired maybe  

  11. If he doesn't have wind, I would say he's overtired.  3 hours is a long time for a bub that age to be awake.  Try swaddling him then rocking him gently for a while to see if he'll sleep.

  12. is he pulling his knees to his tummy? maybe he has gas, maybe a head or tummy ache.

    if he has gas, burp him for a few minutes then if that doesnt help get him some mylicon drops fro gas for babies,

    infants tylenol will do for a head ache, good luck i wish i could help more:(

  13. try swaddling him, it makes them feel secure and stops them waving their arms and hands in their face stimulating them even more. I also have a 3 week old and have found she sleeps longer when shes swaddled as she cant stir herself as much and nods back off to sleep much quicker

  14. my second child is 13 weeks old and your story is identical to mine. my son had a day like that yesterday, and has had days like that every now and again since birth. the first time was when he was 2 or 3 weeks old.

    my son does this when he is having a growth spurt, it is natures way of increasing your milk supply. days like that nothing seems to make them happy, if they do sleep it is in short bursts and if they do feed, that to is in short bursts.

    it is enough to do your head in tho isnt it haha.

    every baby is different tho so if it continues have a chat with your clinic nurse or family GP.

    hang in there and good luck

  15. he could possibly have gas.  when my son was young, and he would get that way, i would swaddle him and give him gripe would calm almost instantly.  i used the miracle's worth it's weight in gold.

  16. Sit outside with him and let him be in a different environment for a while. Or try bathing him, and changing his clothes.

  17. some babies have reflux which can be painful; even when they try to eat...if it keeps up, pls find a way 2 take him 2 the doc.....

    btw admin is a troll and a lunatic, but i am sure u already noticed...sheesh

  18. try putting him by a white noise like a fan, just to make a noise that's what i do to help me sleep. it proubley will work for infants

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