
WHAT ETH DO I <span title="LOOK?................................HELP">LOOK?.......................</span> I'M SO MIXED I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm very mixed

I'm german,irish,malay,indian,dutch

my parents wer born and raised in south africa and so am i

i just wanna know wht i look like coz wen ppl ask wht eth am i ...i dunno wht to tell them




  1. tell them the truth


  2. Id say you look India Indian.

    I am 1/4 indian and its prodominantly what i look like.  

  3. Okay.  You KNOW what ethnicity you are, but you don&#039;t know what to tell people?  Maybe you might want to think about that.  Tell them the truth, DUH.  You look like what you said you were.  If you wanna make it simpler, just say you&#039;re Indian and white, cuz that&#039;s how you look.

  4. Instead of telling the something your not tell them

    I&#039;m german,irish,malay,indian,dutch


    People dig the mix

  5. Just tell them what you told everyone here.

    Well, minus where your parents were born and raised. haha

    I&#039;m like 6 different ethnicities as well, and when people ask I just tell them.

    Maybe if you&#039;re most of one ethnicity you could say &quot;Well, I&#039;m mostly German, but I&#039;m also fdhnsvjksdnjkvds&quot; or whatever it is.

  6. I&#039;d say you look mostly Indian, but if people ask you, maybe just say you&#039;re mixed, or give a couple examples.

    btw, you&#039;re gorgeous!   = ]

  7. You&#039;re also beautiful, so it doesn&#039;t matter. If you don&#039;t know what to say just smile and say &quot;I&#039;m human.&quot;

  8. indian.

  9. Your a very pretty girl be proud of your mixed race and just tell people the truth  

  10. Those look like different ppl in the pics.

  11. You look Indian to me!

    you are really gorgeous!

    Looking that good people won&#039;t care what race you are!

  12. someone who got a bad haircut.

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