
WHAT IF I want to go to cricket team what i have to do?

by  |  earlier

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like india , australia real international team




  1. If India you spend money to selection members

    If Australia you show your efforts

  2. well i am not sure but u can play for ur states team like that u will be recognized and then u will be chosen

    and tell us users if ur playing for ur country we will watch but not necessarily cheer u on...but anywayz good luck hopefully u achieve ur goal

    Rahul Sharma- r u like srsly rahul sharma coz like ur answer in heaps long..............i know this is a stupid question but who is gonna bother typing that in specially if its not for an assignment

  3. be a good player of cricket for sure, train hard and hit the balls over the fence.  go go go.

  4. in india it has very very tuff compition dear ,

    you hav to do more practice and join a leag team in delhi or a big city of india

    you will found your self where you can stands for

    best of luck!!

    keep smiling:))))))

  5. Be talented- There is no getting around this one I'm afraid. You need a basic semblance of ability to make it to the top. While there are many ways to maximise what you have (see below), if you have nothing to start with you will never make it. Be realistic with yourself and your talent and set lesser goals than making the county squad at least to start with.

    Have a lucky birthday- Due to the way age groups are calculated, the older kids in those groups are statistically more likely to succeed. This is because they will naturally be bigger and stronger growing up and so will be given more chances to play at a higher level and with better coaching. This has been proven in professional football where there is a lopsided number of players born at a certain time of the year.

    OK, there is not much you can do about those things. What about the stuff you can control?

    Practice all the time. You know the law of 10,000 and with a bit of talent you can reach the magic number in about 10 years. The earlier you start the better and the more you can play and practice the better. There is no substitute. In addition to this you can get professional help from private academies to get the best bang for your buck. I recommend Ian Pont's Mavericks Cricket Academy and Pro Cricket Coaching Academy. There are several others though.

    Be pushy- If you are working hard at your game and producing results you deserve to be noticed. If that isn't happening you can push yourself into the limelight. Ask your coaches what you need to do to get to the next level and keep coming back to them when you have done what they asked. Jut do it in a polite way!

    Find a mentor- A mentor is an uncommon thing in cricket but it can make a big difference to whether you can make it or not. Mentors can not only help you (and how much they help is up to you), they can also argue your case for moving to the next level. Find someone you trust and admire and be confident enough to ask them their opinion. Most people love to talk about themselves so listen to what they say and see what you can learn.

    Become a coach-Doing a coaching qualification teaches you as much about your game as it does about coaching. You learn to interact with people and you learn the techniques most likely to give you success. I would recommend everyone who wants to be a pro to take at least the ECB Level 2 award with aims to get to Level 3 or 4 eventually.

    Know you mental game- Cricket can be won and lost in the head probably more than any other game. It's essential to learn the techniques to make your mental toughness and will to win as well developed as your cover drive (or googly). Study and practice this element relentlessly until it is part of your make up. You need to be able to bounce back from failure, win ugly and ride the wave of success in equal measures. That takes time but you will be playing so much (see above) you have plenty of games to hone the skills.

    However, most importantly, there is one thing all aspiring professional cricketers should do that I know you are already doing.

    So carry on reading harrowdrive and let me know how your mission goes. I have faith in you.

  6. Play cricket at its best

  7. I also want to be a cricketer.Seriously.I am right now attending cricket classes at dadar(shivaji park,mumbai)

  8. hard work is the surest way to success.

  9. Play club cricket and perform really well. Then if u do that, they might ask u to try out for Regionals. If u make Regionals and do really really good then they will recomend u to try out for other different leagues. And when u perform really well, then they'll eventually ask u to try out for the state team, and if u make the state team and perform really really well, then u might just get a contract with the BCCI or CA. Then u just have to maintain ur good cricket and form and then u'll get into the international team.

    So basically u have to play really really good and get good coaching.

  10. Play good cricket & stay awey from injury,because of injury i out of U/19 world cup.

  11. Net practice & play for the country.


  12. For India its not must for U to play cricket but the main thing is that U must be a millionare then U can easily enter the INDIAN international cricket team whereas for Australia U must play and U should have talent.

    BCCI is full of BRIBE basically INDIA is more BRIBED country in that BCCI is the worst.

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