
WHAT IF THE BUNNY IS STUCK HALWAY OUT THE <span title="RABIITS....yeah!!!!!HELP!?">RABIITS....yeah!!!!!HELP!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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  1. i dont understand your question O-O

    what did you just say?

  2. umm...pull it out?

  3. If she is having trouble birthing, she needs to see the vet ASAP. I hope you&#039;ll spay her after this so the poor thing doesn&#039;t end up pregnant again. Unspayed female rabbits have an extremely high chance of contracted reproductive cancers at some point in their lives.

  4. WHAT????

    PULL IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


  5. You should gently pull it out with a cotten towel, THen leave the rest to the mother.

    P.S. Rabbits are not rodents so this post should not be in the rodent section. Rabbits are lagamorphs.

  6. Tell those rabbits to stop humping and to start being target practice for hunters!

  7. You really are going to need to pull it out.  And yep, it is gross. But ya gotta do it.  

       Hopefully the bunny momma has done the baby thing before and she will know what she is doing.


       Just in case she needs help because a baby is stuck AND coming out backwards....then you are definitely gonna have to pull it out.

        Keep some dry cotton hand towels nearby and make sure that your hands are clean and rinsed well and dried.

        When pulling keep your hands dry. The babies are born with the sac still on them allot of times and it is really slick. So you need the traction of dry hands.  

         Start pulling from as close to the momma that you can. And make sure that you are pulling the whole baby and not just a part.  Like instead of pulling on 2 legs, grab the whole baby and gently pull.   It&#039;ll be kinda hard to pull at first or she would have had it on her own.

            It&#039;s ok to have your hands slip off the baby.  It takes real gentle and even pressure with your pull to get baby out.

       You will be able to tell when you get the pull just right.

         And the baby may still have the birth sac still on it and around it&#039;s face.  If it does.....take it off of the babies face so it won&#039;t suffocate. And let mom do the rest.

         I really hope this helps....but there is nothing more I can tell you....other than.....Congratulations!

                 Good luck!

  8. pull it. itll come out.

  9. pull it out!!!!!!

  10. Gently pull it out or make the freaken hole bigger!!!

  11. there isn&#039;t a lagamorph section! duh!

  12. PULL IT OUT!!!! and then get it spayed, so it doesnt have to go through that again!!!!

  13. hmmm? call the vet?

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