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ok to add more detail...i know who he is and what he looks like and everything, but i have some questions only because im confused of the story line of finaly fantasy, don't bite my head off because im asking question about him even though i didn't play the game but w/e. im just curiouse as to why they took him to experiment or what ever after he fought sepiroth the first time and why zack was taking him away somewhere and why on earth was he paralized or just apathetic, or just motionless whatever. im just curiouse..and if someone will tell me that would be great




  1. Well Cloud and Zack were experimented on to be turned into Sephiroth Clones. Zack was helping Cloud escape from the mansion, Cloud is obviously weaker than Zack, that is why he is dragging him. We know he was injected with Jenova cells, but not much else is known.

    He fought Sephiroth five years before the original FFVII took place because Sephiroth went crazy and burned down the town, and killed the villagers. Sephiroth also stabbed Tifa.

    All that is show through flashbacks, they are after Sephiroth now because he is trying to destroy the planet with Black Materia, when he summoned meteor.

    For more info on my beloved Cloud check out here:

  2. Go study

  3. When Cloud was a kid, he wanted to get Tifa's attention, so he decided to join SOLDIER, ShinRa's elite military corps. Potential SOLDIERs are given a thorough physical and psychological screening to make sure they can withstand the medical proceedures (a bath in Mako [the lifeforce of the planet] and an injection of cells from an ancient being called Jenova) which all SOLDIERs are given to enhance their combat capabilities. Cloud failed the psychological portion, and was thus relegated to being a normal grunt in the ShinRa army.

    Sometime after this, he was sent on a mission headed by Sephiroth and Zack Fair to Cloud's hometown of Nibelheim (which he had not been back to since joining ShinRa) to investigate some malfunctions at the Mako reactor in the nearby mountains. Cloud was so embarassed that he didn't make SOLDIER that he never removed his helmet in public, so he wouldn't be recognized. As it happens, Tifa was hired as the local guide to lead them safely to the reactor. Once there, Sephy and Zack go inside alone, though Tifa really weants to go in with them. The two of them discover a collection of grotesque monster living in the Mako inside the reactor, and Sephiroth immediately recognizes this as the handiwork of ShinRa's Professor Hojo, suspecting that the creatures are people who have been mutated by the extended exposure to Mako.

    The group returns to Nibelheim, and Sephiroth retreats to the basement of a large house owned by ShinRa, commonly called the ShinRa Mansion by the Nibelheim residents. The basement contains an old laboratory Hojo used to use, along with all of his research notes from that time. Sephiroth figures it is the most likely place to get answers about the reactor, but ends up finding the truth about his own history. This drives him insane. Sephiroth burns Nibelheim to the ground and heads back to the reactor to retrieve the severed (but still alive) head of Jenova, the being which he now sees as his mother. Zack, Cloud, and Tifa, are all outraged by Sephy's actions and each seperately head to the reactor to confront him.

    Tifa arrives first, as Sephiroth is crossing a catwalk to the central core, where Jenova's head resides, but is easily cut down. Zack arrives as Sephiroth is entering the core, and they have a short fight before Zack too falls. Cloud arrives and sees Tifa unconscious as Sephiroth is removing Jenova's head. What happens now varies between the game and Last Order, an animated retelling of these events. In Last Order, Sephiroth smirks, knocks Cloud out, and leaps over the catwalk railing into the Mako storage of the planet called the LifeStream. In the game, Sephiroth impales Cloud, who then grabs the blade, lifts Sephiroth into the air with it, pulls it out of his chest, and flings Sephy and his sword over the edge before passing out.

    At this point, Tifa's martial arts teacher, Zangan, arrives, grabs Tifa, and carries her off. He travels the world trying to find a way to heal her, eventually finding someone capable of doing so in Midgar, explaining her location there at the beginning of the game.

    Then Hojo and a group of ShinRa troops arrive. ShinRa's main objective at this point is to cover up what just happened, so they round up all the survivors (including Cloud and Zack), rebuild the town as it was, and hire actors (who claim to know nothing about the town burning down) to take the place of the residents. Hojos interest is in the survivors themselves. Since they can't be allowed to tell anyone on the outside what happened, they are perfect guinea pigs for experiments he would not otherwise be allowed to perform. What he had in mind was to test his Jenova Reunion Theory (that the cells of Jenova were individually conscious and able to telepathically communicate, and as such, they would try to come back together if seperated). So the main body of Jenova was kept at ShinRa Headquarters in Midgar, and all of the survivors of Nibelheim were given (in the basement of the ShinRa Mansion) the same Mako bath and Jenova cell injection as SOLDIERs, but without first being given the phsyical and psychological screening to see if they could handle it. Zack, as a member of SOLDIER, had already passed the screening and been through the process, so it had no effect on him at all. Cloud however was already proven to be too mentally weak to handle it, so he went into a stupor, almost comatose. Zack, now seeing how evil ShinRa can be, decided he had to break out and tell the world what he knew, and when he did break out, he made a point to bring Cloud with him.

    Zack and Cloud headed to Midgar, to get the word out. Along the way, Zack told Cloud everything he had seen in Nibelheim. Since Cloud's mind wasn't in one piece and the story was of who Cloud wanted to be, Cloud incorporated it into his own memories as if he had done it all. Just outside Midgar, ShinRa tracked them down, killing Zack and leaving Cloud for dead. But Cloud snapped out of it before dying of  

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