
WHAT IS FASHION WEEK???!!!!l!!!????

by  |  earlier

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anything you know about it





  1. Okay, be prepared for the very long explanation I'm about to give you.  First of all, fashion week happens two times every year.  In February/March, it's Fall/Winter fashion week, and in September/October, it's Spring/Summer fashion week.  Seeing it is currently February, Paris fashion week is about to start very soon (meaning within the next day or so, since Milan fashion week just concluded a few days ago).  During fashion week, there are always four major cities in which fashion week is held.  New York is the first, London is the second, Milan is the third, and last but not least is Paris.  There is so many details/specifics that I do not feel I need to explain, but if you have any more questions, feel free to e-mail me with any questions!  I'll be glad to answer them!  I hope this helps!  By the way, if you want to check out the latest fashion week collections, log onto or

  2. fashion are mostly here in new york and it happen every week.

    new outfits come out for the season/week and it is shown in ny

  3. Fashion week in Paris is like THE biggest runway in the world! They sport new fashions coming from all over the world and you are lucky to even be invited to it! It has all the main models and such in it! Going to see Fashion week in Paris is every girls dream!=-)


  4. help her get 100;...

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