
WHAT IS IT, With "Road Players"?

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Some of the best pool players in the world, are "road-players".

Why do so many of these men fare incredibly well on the road, play for countless hours at a time -- even days at a time ---can beat World Class players, yet fail to prosper or get anywhere, when and if, they finally join the BCA Pro Men's Tour?

Two examples: Steve Knight and Roger Griffis. Roger fared quite well on the Pro tour, but not for long. Steve Knight's BCA Tour experience was very short-lived.

Why do many of these incredulous pool players, refuse to join the ranks with National and World Champions, when they HAVE beat many of them (sometimes brutally) on the 'road'?




  1. Johnny Archer has slipped since his player of the decade days but how many games do you think he get could down at the local pool hall where he is so well known And he knows if he goes against a road player he will get waxed Its almost 2 diffrent groups of people all togeather the Famous and the not so

    like hulk hogan taking on a street fighter no contest

    At Derby city the practice room pays 5 times as much as the toun tables do

    Wanna be famous & have your name on a stick turn pro

    If you want make money-Go on the road-"If your  good enough"

                      Good luck either way-  Johnny

  2. Unless you are at the top level amongst the pros, with endorsements, you will struggle to make a living. The money is in gambling not in tournaments.

        There are a lot of road players out there that can and do beat the pros, for example look at Larry Price he is a road player who has won Derby City Classic banks twice.

        I know a few who prefer to remain totally anonymous and will not even enter any kind of sizable tournament because they do not want to become "known". When all of your income comes from playing pool known or unknown, pro tour,or not you are still considered a "pro".

        As for the women the WPBA pays a lot better than the men's pro tour, therefore you would be less likely to find a female  "road player" that is unknown.

  3. If they become pros, who would play them? They would have to give up the world just to get a match.  Some also like being an "unknown", less pressure and gives an element of surprise that can unnerve an opponent. When you become a pro, all of a sudden there are enormous expectations on you by others and by yourself.  In addition, there are players that can play on the road but not in tournaments and vice versa. Two different game and pressures all together. The exceptional ones can change gears and do both but it would be hard for a pro to find a fair game unless they both know how each other plays.

  4. Easy answer.  There is no money for Men in Professional Billiards in the US.  They can make tons more money gambling and playing everyone, while at the same time staying under the radar of having the PRO label tagged on them.

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