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i always hear the word KARMA. someone just posted "if anyone has seen it" i think i got an idea from the answers still i want to know what it really is :)




  1. Karma basically means "what goes around, comes around."  If you're good and treat others well (in this life and all past lives), good things will happen to you and people will treat you well.  If you're bad, bad things happen.  Or at least that's the idea!  Kind of silly.

  2. In other words..

    What Goes Around Come Around.

  3. The law of cause and effect is known in philosophical

    texts also. There is a very specific law in science.

    "For every action, there is an equal and opposite

    reaction". If you write it in English, it becomes

    Newton's Law. If you write it in Sanskrit, it becomes

    Law of Karma.

    Similar meaning is given by the phrase "as you sow

    so shall you reap".

    Leucippus, the founder of the atomic theory, declared in his

    only surviving statement, "Nothing occurs at random, but

    everything happens for a reason and by necessity". It is

    known as Leucippus’ principle of causality.

    However, Karma is not fatalism. The very wording

    "for every action" says that we have freedom of action.

    Karma only warns about the inevitable reaction.

  4. It is what goes around comes around. If you are good you will have good things come to you. If you are evil, evil things will come to you.

  5. karma is what goes around comes around

    say u help someone because they dropped their books..

    if u dropped ur books later in the future someone would help u..where as if u didn't help that person no one would help u.  

  6. its that thing that happens when your walking down a hallway and someone steps right in front of you so you step to the right just to see that they step to the right then you step left and they also step left then you stop to let them go first but they do the same then you take it upon yourself to go but they do to until one person takes a big step ini a different direction and its like the most awkward 10 seconds ever

  7. Hi,

    You've receive a lot of great answers already and it's been quite awhile since I studied religions but here goes:

    *You could "google" or otherwise research the word on the internet which might give you the most authoratitive answer.

    ~Karma is a religious term used in the Eastern religions. I "think" it means when you are born you have "karma". It is up to you to grow spiritually [in order to obtain a higher plane of existence when you die] by what you do while alive here on Earth.

    ~Karma is always with a person and whether you have "good" Karma or "bad" Karma is determined by our beliefs and our actions.

    ~ The belief is that everyone has KARMA. It is like a guide that is "built in" or hardwired into our DNA.

    ~ Basically it comes down to "you have free will or a choice" in life. What "KIND" of life is determined by how you "live" it.

    Wishing you a very positive "Karma now and always.

  8. It means your actions are returned to you by others.  If you are nice to someone you meet today, a stranger will be nice to you in return later at some point.  If you are a cruel person towards others, people will return the favor and be a cruel person towards you.

  9. Do good deeds and good things will come your way, do nasty things and it will catch up with you eventually. Don't know if I truly believe it but I've seen some nice coincidences if it isn't true.

  10. wat goes around comes around meaning what ever to you do to someone and you feel that you know it isnt right or something you did orsomebody else did is wrong itll come back yo you what goes around  comes around....karma

  11. if you do something wrong/bad

    then something wrong/bad will happen to you back.

  12. Karma is the belief "what goes around comes around."  If you do good things, good thing will happen to you and vice versa if you do bad things then bad things will happen to you.

  13. its pretty much like what comes around goes around

  14. what goes around comes around

  15. Karma, basically, stands for 'fate; destiny'. In other words, what goes around will come around.

    So if you do something really horrible or bad, chances are Karma will come back and will hit you twice as hard.

    It's never really understandable UNTIL it happens to you. But you'll most definitely know when it does.

  16. What goes around comes around to get you.  It's a boomerang theory.

  17. It means if you so something good than something good will happen to you. If you something bad than something bad will happen to you. It is pretty much the classic good and evil.  

  18. What goes around comes around.

    if i do something horrible to someone, something horrible will happy to me

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