
WHAT IS THE ONE TRUE RELIGION??!! does anyone know, or all just fight up against each other??

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WHAT IS THE ONE TRUE RELIGION??!! does anyone know, or all just fight up against each other??




  1.   There is no true religion..Religions are all fading as people begin reading the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch. It is no longer necessary for people to live in fear of death..There is no h**l except in the minds of man and your God will never judge,condemn or punish for any reason..God gave all free will..Why would anyone believe God will judge you for using it... God bless

  2. I don't know whether Unitarian Universalism is true for everyone, but it's nice to everyone.

  3. REAL CHRISTianity which is all Trinity churches!!

  4. There is not one true religion, but there is One True Faith. The Law of One. What Is Love? God. What Is Law? Love. What Is God? Law and Love.


    check this out;...

  6. pastafarian  

  7. If I say Christianity will you actually believe me?

    What's the point in asking this question?

  8. There are no true religions, there is only one way.

  9. "Religious truth" is an oxymoron.

  10. Pastafarianism.


  11. They *don't* all claim to be the one true religion........

  12. They all are.

    At least, that's what they all say.

  13. Whatever teaches that Jesus came, died and rose on the third day. That whoever confesses he is the son of God and came to take our sins away.....This is truth.

  14. Jesus says: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me. John 14:6

    Jesus isn't a "religion". He is for everyone that believes in Him (His Word).

    Pray to Jesus and ask Him to reveal to you His truth. He will show you if your earnestly seeking.

  15. it doesn't exist

  16. They all fight.  From experience, I will tell you that the one true religion is the one that is best for YOU.

  17. There can be only one...or none.  Hope you chose correctly.

    And just how picky is God?  What if Christianity is correct.  How strict is he with regards to which sect?  If Catholics are right are protestant Christians going to h**l or visa versa?  What if Baptists are right and Lutherans and Methodists are going to h**l for drinking, dancing, etc?  How much would it suck to know that you were that close but still had to go to h**l?

    It seems kind of silly to me for a god that has to manage an entire universe to concern himself with such petty stuff.

  18. There is not one true religion, there is only one true destination. But that destination has numerous paths of varying length.

  19. My truth is found in the Roman Catholic Church.  Your truth may be found there or elsewhere.  Jesus told us that in God's house there are many rooms.

  20. There are many paths to spirituality.

    Whichever one speaks to you (spiritually) is the one true for you. We all believe in the same thing, we just disagree on the details.

  21. Christianity. You can call it a religion if you want. but i dont. a religion consists of rules you have to follow. christianity is about a relationship with Jesus. this relationship is what makes christianity different.  

  22. Judaism

  23. I don't believe there is a one true religion.  I believe in the bible.  Not in denominations or stuff like that.  That's where politics and the whole... I am better than you stuff tends to come in.  

    I believe in God and Jesus Christ.

  24. The Catholic Church. All other "Christian" religions broke away from the Catholic Church. One was mad because the Pope wasn't in the East so they broke away. The other one was a former monk, who had scruples and was afraid of going to Heaven or h**l so he made his own religion. Another wasn't allowed to get a divorce so he made his own religion. One thought he was a prophet etc. Go to this link it will help.  

  25. They all will claim to be the true religion.

  26. Christianity, its the only religion with true proof. That proof is called the Bible, and also other people's testimonies (experiences where they had tough situations that only the true God could help them out of)

    Christianity may be confusing to understand and thats why most ppl reject it

  27. Satinism

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