
WHAT IS WITH december 12 2012 & decemeber 21 2012, wats the difference between the world ending on these days?

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Ive heard about the 12/ 21 /12 but whats with the other one




  1. I hope the world ends on that date just to get rid of idiots like you.

  2. I'd say the difference is 9 days.

  3. I think people just got 12/12/2012 mixed up with the real mayan calendar ending of 12/21/2012.

  4. About a big a difference between apocalypse questions and questions about hockey.

  5. As stated above, I think people have mistaken 21 december 2012 with the 12th, presumably because it looks more tidy and symmetrical. Nevertheless, the entire theory is without any foundation in fact.

    The idea that the world will end in 2012 is a popular misconception brought about by a misinterpretation of the Mayan calender system.

    The Maya were renowned for their remarkable prophetic skills, but what most people don't realize is that these skills were Astronomical in origin. They predicted seasonal and stellar changes based on their highly advanced interpretation of the stars. It was nothing mystical, although surely very spiritual for them. Their skills in astronomy were hundreds of years ahead of their time.

    Anyway, using these stars as their guide, they mapped out many different calenders, two of which actually linked together to create a perpetuating dual calender system that predicted the seasons and spacial events with unerring accuracy.

    The problem is, that these calenders end in what we now know to be "2012", and despite the fact that there were many other calenders in their collection, and that they did not have the time to complete them all, many people have drawn the unfounded speculation that the ending of these two particular calenders must mean that the world will end there.

    Of course, this is not the case. The Maya were a profoundly circular society, they believed that the universe was totally cyclical, the ending of one calender simply means you start another, or start that one from the begining again. They did believe that time progressed in stages, which was represented in part by their evolving calender systems, and it could be interpreted that the ending of the calender means that humanity will evolve at that time, thus starting a new stage of existence for which no earthly calender would be required.

    This is often use to substantiate theories relating to the "ascension" of humanity, and to a lesser degree, the rapture, which forms the tenuous connection to some kind of appocalyptic future. But as I said, the Maya did not believe in an "end", either of the world or of humanity, thus they did not believe the world will end, lease of all predict it.

    Most logically, the end of their calender suggests that we start from the begining again. At a stretch, it could possible mean some grand ascension, but as I said, their prophetic abilities were not mystical, they were astronomical, so that is highly unlikely.

    And that is where this elusive "2012" date keeps popping up from, and has since been butchered and incorporated into a myriad of scientific and metaphysical theories about the end of the world, but I would take all of these with a pinch of salt if I were you, as all these theories are concocted to support another theory which is, essentially, inherrently flawed due to a fatal lack of understanding of Mayan culture.

    I hope you found this answer satisfying. :)

    The Founder

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