
WHAT IS "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" (IPCC)?

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WHAT IS "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" (IPCC)?




  1. A source of global warming. Hot air.

  2. The IPCC is an organization that was created by the International Community as a conduit to tax and control the wealthiest Western Countries and transfer that money to the Poorest countries on earth, and earn a healthy amount of Cash and Power in the process.

  3. A committee of international politicians who sift through the scientific data on our climate to make sure only that data which supports their political agenda (man made global warming) is published, and to suppress any contradictory data.

    They were even exposed for committing scientific fraud in the case of the hockey stick graph

  4. It's a group of prominent scientists and diplomats from countries all over the world, that work together to publish reports of the scientific literature about climate change every 5 - 6 years.  The results of their work is then used by politicians around the world to determine what's the best course of action in response to the potential threat.

    Here's the about page of their web-site:

  5. As the name states it's a body of politicians who are making policy for governments on "global warming"

    So far their data has proven to be wildly over exaggerated, and with very little scientific foundation.

  6. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in recognition of the problem of global warming. Through the IPCC, climate experts from around the world synthesize the most recent climate science findings every five to seven years and present their report to the world’s political leaders. The IPCC has issued comprehensive assessments in 1990, 1996, and 2001; its Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) is scheduled for release in 2007.

    AR4 will be the most comprehensive synthesis of climate change science to date. Experts from more than 130 countries are contributing to this assessment, which represents six years of work. More than 450 lead authors have received input from more than 800 contributing authors, and an additional 2,500 experts reviewed the draft documents.

    AR4 will comprise three sections, or working groups, that deal with the scientific basis of global warming (Working Group I), its consequences (Working Group II), and options for slowing the trend (Working Group III). The IPCC will release summaries of the three working group documents over the course of 2007, culminating in the publication of the final “synthesis report” at the end of the year.

    The inclusive process by which IPCC assessments are developed and accepted by its members ensures exceptional scientific credibility. As such, AR4 has the potential to play a key role in informing decision makers as they shape climate policies over the next several years.

  7. well, 8 trolling answers and 4 serious ones, that is really depressing :-(

    i don't know how to convince you;

    the ipcc are a kosher group of scientists, set up 2 decades ago by the u.n. among others, who spend thousands of hours sifting through all the new research produced by climate scientists and evaluating it, then more time writing meta-analysis reports and recommendations, which are then haggled over by government representatives and inevitably watered down under pressure from the u.s. and opec delegates......

    you will have to go to a selection of organizations you trust and search there for information. this place (yahoo answers) is a toxic environment, more right wing politics here than in a bnp rally!

    heres another link, feel free to ignore, i could be a commie nutter bent on destroying 'the american dream'  myself, who knows?


    doh! its the same as ben's link. well that proves it, we are all in a conspiracy! i'll leave it because it is a good one, the union (commies!) of concerned scientists.

  8. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a scientific body tasked to evaluate the risk of climate change caused by human activity. The panel was established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), two organizations of the United Nations.

    Basically it's a group of scientists who evaluate all the climate science studies that have been done, and summarizes it all in a big report.

  9. It's a small group of scientists bought and paid for by politicians to "prove" exactly what they want proven.  Quite a handy group to have around, if you're a politician.

  10. A group of people who select data to show to the public in oder to scare them into paying out cash.

    It should be called "I Steal Your Sh*t"

    Its all a big scam to keep the rich countries rich and the poor countries poor.

  11. a socialist group of morons h**l bent on destroying the US funded with our own money.

  12. Its basically a scientific group that publishes reports about harmful climate change. As of now, it is basically a source of media for global warming changes detrimental to our planet and its inhabitants.

  13. A waste of money.

  14. SCAM

    TAX & CONTROL give your $$$$ and your life to world bank  $$$$ to WTO

    Bankers need your backing

    World Bank accused of climate change "hijack"

    By Ed Cropley

    BANGKOK (Reuters) - Developing countries and environmental groups accused the World Bank on Friday of trying to seize control of the billions of dollars of aid that will be used to tackle climate change in the next four decades.

    "The World Bank's foray into climate change has gone down like a lead balloon," Friends of the Earth campaigner Tom Picken said at the end of a major climate change conference in the Thai capital.

    "Many countries and civil society have expressed outrage at the World Bank's attempted hijacking of real efforts to fund climate change efforts," he said.

    Before they agree to any sort of restrictions on emissions of the greenhouse gases fuelling global warming, poor countries want firm commitments of billions of dollars in aid from their rich counterparts.

    However, developing countries want climate change cash to be administered through the existing United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), which they feel is much less under the control of the Group of 8 (G8) richest countries.

    "Generally we have been unpleasantly surprised by the funds," said Ana Maria Kleymeyer, Argentina's lead negotiator at the meeting.

    "This is a way for the World Bank and its donor members to get credit back home for putting money into climate change in a way that's not transparent, that doesn't involve developing countries and that ignores the UNFCC process," she said.

  15. It's a group determined to strip the wealth of wealthy nations (ala USA) and redistribute it to poorer nations on the premise that the rich ones are the ones responsible for this global warming since they are the ones burning all the fuel.

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