
WHAT PLEASURE do all you elementary school teachers get from teaching children that are in prep to grade 3....

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please tell me all the things you love about this sort of job...?





  1. I'm in the uk and teach children aged 2-4 years. The pleasure i get is knowing that in some way (even if only a little) i have a positive influence on their futures. Its a good feeling knowing that i have some input in how these children grow up.

  2. Other than what the other responders have said, my greatest pleasure is knowing that showing children education is FUN, and that if we all work together we can have even more fun.....Children love to learn and to help others learn, so my students are always told that I want to learn from them just like the will be learning from me.

  3. So many things.  Children at that age love to learn, they are so excited over any little thing they learn!  When they learn their alphabet, their numbers, how to tie their shoes, songs, adding, subtracting, all these things, their so eager to learn and so excited when they do.  The look on their face when they accomplish their goals is amazing.

    Also, kids say the cutest things without knowing it, they don't backtalk as much as the older kids, their more honest, and easier to teach since during the younger years is when you learn more than half of the knowledge you'll need in your life.

    Plus their so cute!!!!

  4. Oh there are so many things that are enjoyable about teaching this age group.  I have been teaching 18 years and now own my own preschool. I love seeing the little light bulb go off when they grasp something that was difficult for them before.  I love just talking with the children and hearing what they have to say.  I love just listening and helping them with their world problems!  I love being a part of their lives and knowing I have a huge influence with  my kindness and compassion to everything going on in their lives. Thanks for asking - that was fun to answer!

  5. I love the younger ages because they are so eager to learn and to please. I loved  being the one that was teaching them new things. It is exciting to me to see them get excited over learning. It is a fresh slate that you get to work with when they first come into the school setting which is exciting. You get to be a part of their lives and writing something positive on that slate.

  6. The pleasure derrived from teaching preschool - 3rd grade stems from helping change a life, in many ways - certainly academically, but socially, too.  If you give young children a positive, fun and creative feeling about school, then this will help them to enjoy school later on.

    For me, because I teach in an inner-city, many of my students live in situations where they are in foster care, live in poverty, etc.  If I can somehow show them love, kindness, respect for self and others, as well as discipline, then I am not only doing my "job", I am touching a life.

    When you teach pk-3 you can take yourself less seriously and sing and play games while teaching.  You really cannot do that in upper grades.

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