

by  |  earlier

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ok so my sister is 32 with 4 children she is a manager and can't quit b/c she has bills and today she came to my house(well me and my parents house im only14) crying b/c she wants to go away and never come back and said she wish she could go to sleep and not wake up b/c she is tired of work, life ,bills,kids,and tired of hurting(she has arthritis alot of spot (feet,hand neck back legs) (other diseases to like fibro mialga) what should i do




  1. Talk to her. Tell her she has kids and family that need her. fibromialgia can very painful. She porb needs to seek counseling.

    Good Luck

  2. you should comfort her about everything and make her feel better.  If that was my sister i would help her a lot and tell her to relax for a little bit and try to help her out it may not be so fun butin the future you will be glad you helped her.

  3. Unfortunately there is not a lot you can do.  You can encourage her. You can also babysit for her once or twice a week to give her a break.

  4. She needs family support, now more than before. Rally around her. Help her with her kids so that she can work and still pay off the mortgage to her house. As for her sickness, she needs to take medication. If need be, ask her to seek professional help.


  5. the only thing you can do is be supportive maybe your parents can watch her children for a while sounds like she needs a break. there are alot of social agencys out there that can help as well.

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