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Ive recently just had one lump took my rat to the vet to have a lump removed she has only just recovered and her fur is just started growing back, i gave her a bath earlier and found another lump out of no where inbetween her back leg she went for a check up to make sure things were alright and the vet didnt notice but its quite big already and shes finding it hard to get around, what should i do its rather expensive to have a lump removed on a rat and im only 17 and dont get alot of money as i dont work, what would be best to do ? she is old but a lovely rat im thinking maybe i should put her down ???




  1. I've had many rats in my lifetime and the most heart-break you will ever have to come to terms with is when your rats have tumours as it is up to you to say enough is enough. Female rats are more likely to get tumours as they usually grow on their mammory glands. These tumours can be removed successfully however they do grow back and sometimes at a quicker rate than they first developed. If your rat is experiencing difficulty moving, then her quality of life has been decreased as tumours can start rubbing and becoming sore. If you chose to have it removed, there are only a number of times in a space of time your rat will be able to cope with going under anesthetic. At the end of the day it is your little friend and I know that no-one else can make that decision for me when I'm faced with health problems such as tumours so in your own time it is up to you to make a decision. There are two things in the world you agree to offer to your pets when you adopt them and that's to keep them happy & healthy. Although she is not as healthy as she could be it is up to you to decide whether she is happy or not & if she is not then it is time to call it a day and let her go off to rainbow bridge.

    I hope my advice helps, my heart goes out to you at such a difficult time x x *hugs*

  2. ok... I am going to advise you put her down.

    She is an old rat? Chances are, if you get this lump removed, she will get another one, i think. It is just not fair to let her live with it, either.

    You know what is right. And you know that at 17 you cant afford expensive surgeries. Sorry, and i wish you the best of luck

  3. Unfortunately mammary tumours in female rats are very common. You can have them removed and more will grow (not because of having previous ones removed). Have you looked into whether you would be able to get treatment at a Blue Cross or PDSA? It may be worth it.

    If she is old and doesnt have a good quality of life then it may be for the best to have her put to sleep.

    I'm sorry, it's always hard when you have to make these sorts of decisions.

  4. Can't afford the vet? Don't get the pet.

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