
WHAT SHOULD I DO =[ ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

by  |  earlier

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ok i am thinking of going to a diffrent high school .

school #1 (wich i went to for 1 year)

--i dont have many friend i see out of school

--there are many people there i hate who hated me first.

--i would not do anything but go to school, ex. no clubs or anything just go to school, come home. and everyone knows me diffrent, ive changed alot and want a fresh start with people.

--the school is nicer then the other school, it has the shp that i want. and looks nicer i think,although i havent seen school #2 yet.

school #2

--is closer to my area.

--seems like there are kids i would like to be friends with

--i can actualy stay afte school and do clubs and make friends =]

--the school is decent and has a diffrent schop that i also like alot

--nobody knows me so i can reinvent myself




  1. to be honest you already have your mind made up so this is a pointless question...but one thing to think about are you willing to change your whole surroundings and start fresh? if so then have a fun year!

  2. You don't mention many good points about #1. It seems you have pretty much made up your mind for #2. If there are no other considerations (such as tuition), go for #2. However, there is no school that is a perfect match. If there are things wrong with #1, there will be with #2 also. When you "reinvent" yourself, make sure you put in a large dose of kindness toward others and it won't make much difference which school you go to.

  3. I think you should try something new. I would attend the second High School. The pros totally outweigh the cons. Expand your horizon. Meet new people.

    Good Luck! =)

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