
WHAT SHOULD I DO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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There is this guy in my class named Riley. He is really cute and nice and I like him. Then he told me he didnt like anyone. Then a guy named Tj told me that he really likes me and he told me the reasons why. I Dont kno who to choose?? I like them both sorta... Riley is always looking at me in class and Tj is always texting me and talking to me and he is really sweet. I gave Tj a chance a couple months ago and he said no so should i give him another change?




  1. Go with who you want! im not trying to be rude but i && the other people cannot make a  choice for you. You must choose who you feel suits you best.

    If i was in your place i would choose Riley. I mean if i had laready gave Tj a chance and he turned me down then his loss.

    Life goes on.

    But in the end i would just say go for who YOU feel is the better guy for you.

    = ]

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