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My friend and I are going to turn 14. ( late May and early October) Any suggestions? Plz help! Thnx in advance! : )




  1. I did this when I turned 14.

    Ask your parents to drop you guys off at the mall. (Or they can come with you) Before the day, you have to save up some money to go there. Then, while your at the mall, buy anything that strikes your fancy! Because, after all, it IS your birthday! HAVE FUN WITH IT!

  2. by Miles0fS... Member since:

    September 30, 2007

    Total points:

    165 (Level 1) Here are some ideas from parties that I have had or been to in the past.

    1. Do a scavenger hunt. Divide into two teams of 4 people. Enough to fit in one car. Give each team a digital or polaroid camera and a list of items to find. After one or two hours teams will return to your house and turn in their items. Have a BBQ and people can share pictures and stories of the scavenger hunt and determine the winner. Each picture is worth a different amount of points. You can collect tangible things as well as pictures of the team doing things. Some ideas are:

    1. A picture kissing a handsome stranger (the group can vote how many points depending on how handsome)

    2. A picture of how many people they can get in a phone booth (one point per person, two if the get people to join in not on their team)

    3. A picture with the team posed in crowns from Burger King.

    4. A picture with the team standing in front of a Hooters restaurant lifting their shirts over their faces and showing their hooters. (One point for each male and five points for each female)

    5. A picture of a team member lying on a pool table.

    6. A picture standing or swimming in a park lake.

    7. A picture of a team member wearing a trenchcoat.

    8. A picture of the team on a slide in a playground.

    9. A picture of the men on the team in a women's rest room

    10. A picture of the team playing football (bonus if they are wearing helmets)

    11. A picture of the team in one dressing room at a department store.

    You can also have tangible "Things" on the list that are worth a certain number of points.

    -- 1 point items:

    paper clips, old movie tickets, a garden tool from the neighbor, napkins or matchbooks from a bar, etc

    -- 3 point items:

    Include things like an autograph of a high school quarterback or cheerleader (someone from your party)a nametag from a convienence store clerk (bonus points for the longest name), the sexiest pair of boxer shorts or underwear from a neighbor or someone is wearing at the party.

    2. Frozen T-shirt contest. The day before the party, get T-shirts wet and put them in the freezer. At the party, whoever can get the shirt on first is the winner.

    3. Truth or dare. I know it is cliche and usually ends up amounting to nothing, but it is almost a rite of growing up. If you want to try a different approach, have everyone write five questions for the truth jar and two dares for the dare jar. Each person has to choose from one or the other until they are all gone. This is good for two reasons. First, you might draw your own dare so they aren't too crazy like run down the street naked or something ridiculous that can't be done. Second, it doesn't turn in to escalating dares that become ridiculous and then everyone just chooses truth.

    Truth Questions:

    1. Have you ever seen a porno film? Who did you watch it with?

    2. Who do you fantasize about when you think about s*x?

    3. Your lover has been magically transformed into an animal, and the only way to restore your lover is to mate with them. Here's the question: Which animal would cause you the least psychological damage?

    4. Would you think it was a turn-on if your bf/gf wanted to watch Disney movies with you?

    5. Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf (if they have one), or would you ever cheat?

    6. Have you ever gone a whole day without wearing underwear?

    7. If you could be born again would choose to be a different s*x to what you are?

    8. If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do, what movie star would you want to kiss, and who would you notify that you are dying

    9. Describe the sexiest clothes you ever wore and why.

    10. When did you stop bathing with your sibling?

    11. Who has the biggest balls you've ever seen? (funny since it can be told literally, but someone will take it sexually. I could be talking about a medicine ball!!!)

    12. If I was a food what would I be and how would you eat me?!?!

    13. What they would do to a girl or boy for a Klondike Bar.

    14. How far have you gone?

    15. How far would you go with someone you are attracted to, that you just met, and will never see again?

    16. What is the most embarrassing thing you've done?

    17. Have you ever skinny dipped? If so, when and with who?

    18. Would you marry your current bf/gf?

    19. Do you really love your bf/gf?

    20. Have you ever made a fool of yourself in front of someone you were interested in?

    21. What is the stupidest thing you've done because someone dared you to?

    22. What is the stupidest thing you've done on your own free will?

    23. Tell everyone who you like.

    24. What is the strangest dream you've ever had.

    25. Which guy (that at least four people playing the game know) do you think has the longest p e n i s?

    26. Which girl (that at least four people playing the game know) do you think would give the best BJ?

    27. What's your favorite thing about the opposite s*x?

    28. What's the worst thing about being your gender?

    29. If you could have anyone here in the room to be your slave, who would it be and what would you make them do?

    30. Rate five boys that everyone knows on a scale of 1-10 31. What's your idea of a perfect date?

    32. Have you ever masturbated? Have you ever been caught?

    33. Have you ever had an o****m? Was it by yourself or with a member of the opposite s*x?

    33. How old were you when you saw a boy or girl (other than a relative) naked for the first time?

    34. Who was the first boy that you let touch your b***s? Why did you let him? or Who was the first girl you showed your peni s to? What were you hoping she would do?

    35. If you were a boy, would you want your girlfriend to swallow when she gave you oral s*x? Why?

    36. How old were you when you touched a boy's p***s, not counting relatives or babysitting?

    37. Have you ever been in a brawl?

    38. Who do you think is the best looking person in the room?

    39. What is the worst date you have ever been on?

    40. If you were invisible what is the first thing you would do?

    41. It you were the opposite s*x for one hour, what would you do?

    42. How old were you when you had your first real kiss? Tell the tale.

    43. Have you ever peed in a pool?


    1. Kiss someone for a given amount of time (ex. kiss for 2 minutes w/ tongue)

    2. Find something edible in the kitchen for the person to eat that isn't meant to be eaten straight (ketchup, salt, flour, ...)

    3. Run around outside screaming something totally inane. An example being have someone go chanting "I am woman, hear me roar!"

    4. Go out on your porch and sing the "I'm a Little Teapot" song.

    5. Go out into a public area scratching their crotch and saying, "d**n these crabs really itch!"

    6. Have a person smear jelly in one armpit and peanut butter in the other armpit. Then they must take two slices of bread and wipe it off. Then they have to eat the sandwich!

    7. Eat a piece of food (such as a grape or whip cream) off someone else's tongue, belly button, butt cheek, etc.

    8. Push a penny around the toilet seat with your tongue.

    9. Make-out with a pillow or teddy bear for a certain amount of time, say the guy or girl's name they like and make kissing noises.

    10. Do a cart wheel naked.

    11. Play one round in your underwear.

    12. Trade underwear with someone in the game and wear their underwear for one round. When it is your turn again, you have to put your underwear back on.

    13. l**k the floor

    14. Blow a raspberry on the stomach of the player sitting opposite you

    15. Stick their finger in their butt and then l**k it.

    16. Pick their nose and eat it in front of the group.

    17. If you are a girl, touch someone else's b***s. If you are a boy touch someone's peni$.

    18. Dive in a pool naked or run through a sprinkler naked.

    10 minutes ago - Edit - Delete


    truth or dare is the BEST!

  3. Go to six flags or something

  4. iceskating





  5. shopping then movies or big party or sleepover

  6. Okay, don't listen to that person above me. That is just disgusting.

    Do something you'll both enjoy, such as the classic sleepover and movies. Or you can go out and watch a movie.

    You can do a water themed bday party (have a pool party) with bbq food, or whatever food you want.

    You can do spa theme. Make-up, hair, nails. You can walk around and wear robes all day while your give you snacks when you want them. Make the 'rents wait on you hand and foot. (or you don't have to if you don't want to.)

    You can also do the 14 theme bday. Get 'fourteen' decorations. You can also get a 14 shaped cake (or have just 14 cakes period). Whatever your parents are willing to pay for or make.

    And my favorite: Around the World theme. But you might need a lot of people (so they can eat the food).

    At 3-4 themes i.e America, China, Italy, and Thailand.

    You'd need diff. decor for each theme. Use your house i.e use the living room for America. Use the family room for China, the kitchen for Italy etc. But you don't have to use these countries if you don't want to.

    Also, get food according the countries i.e pasta for Italy, and pizza for America. Stuff like that.

    Happy Birthday!

    ~Just Keepin it reall

  7. OK.  How about figuring out something for the May b'day now and then like in August and September figure out for the October b'day b/c that is so very far away.  

    Are you both dog lovers?  How about taking your dogs to a dog park and watching them go crazy there, then give your dogs a doggy bone when they get home; they'll think they're in heaven!  

    Then, do something that both of you really enjoy.  

    But you know, were you going to have a party On your b'days?  IF so, you could do this Fun Thing either the day or so before or after, just ear mark it as 'for' your b'day.  

    What fun thing are you  into now that would be fun to remember your 14th trip around the sun by?

    Happy Birthday(s)!!!

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