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i live in California right now, but i'm going to go into INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS in college and am going to travel abroad for 2 years -- i would like to stay in the same country for the entire 2 years since i was an exchange student in Chile already and it was for only 6 months and i'd like to really set down roots somewhere.

can someone recommend a country and why -- the pros and cons.

i'll give 10 points and a thumbs up to whomever gives me the best answer.

should i even go to south america...should i go to Spain or something?


ps: i'm looking for a place where i can really prosper in the business field and even live.

thnx again!!!





  1. Costa Rica


    1.Free Trade Agreement with the US, ought to be voted on soon, which means that as an International Business Major, you will have lots to do

    2.International destination for business already- INTEL is here

    3.Tourism boom, so that might be a good idea for you

    4.Political stability, peaceful country and  no major disturbances. Always good for business

    5.Lots of places to visit and things to do

    6.The beach is not that far away

    7.Nice weather, nice people

    8.A lot of people speak English

    9.Major destination for Americans that want to live abroad

    10.You can find almost everything you would in California

    11.Smack in the centre of the continent, California is not that far away


    1. The roads are badly kept

    2. A lot of rain, but you get used to it- hey it what makes everything so beautiful and green in Costa Rica

    Hope it helps you decide where to go.

  2. I think you need to consider your personality in addition to the place.  If you're more free, liberal, fun-loving you might want to stick to the coasts (Caribbean border countries or Southern Spain) while if you're more serious and traditional the inner areas (central Mexico, Northern Spain) would be ideal.

    I went to Monterrey, Mexico and Cadiz/Sevilla, Spain on two seperate occasions and while both were good I preferred Spain because my personality just clicked more with the culture there (much more open, liberal, forward-thinking).  Cadiz is very relaxing, but it's very touristy and small-town which I think would not be good for business.  Sevilla is a beautiful city with great architecture and nightlife.  It's big, but it feels very small and comfortable.  Many people tell me that Sevilla is a good business hotspot, but I didn't really see it while I was there.  Monterrey has almost the best of everything in Mexico.  All three places get hot(!) though, in summer.  

    As far as business experience goes, Monterrey, Mexico is a big industrial center with steel and metal factories.  Also I think it is one of the U.S.'s big trading partners, but you may want to research that more in depth.  The business aspect of the area is quiet obvious, though.  

    On the other hand,  I think (but don't know for certain since I'm not a business expert) that Spain, as a first world country and close to other European markets and part of the European Union, might carry more weight in the business field.

  3. As for nice accents...Spain or Colombia.

  4. Well....i thing costa rica would be a great country to live in.( although its central america) It a nice place to live. houses are very cheap. The tropical climate is beautiful and you have wonderful beaches there. If you are bilengual, you will be very prosperous.there is alot of american tourism. there are great schools and universitys there. A wonderful and safe place to live. Very peacful and the people are wonderful.

  5. Spain, or Brazil...

  6. Argentina! I think Argentina because well my father is from there so I have a very strong connection to the country but besides is an amazing place to live. Tons of things going on in the capital. You would be able to pick up the language quickly by being immerged right into it. Although I am sure you know Spanish since you were in Chile for 6 months. There is great night life, great food, great people with great accents and if you live in the Capital there are so many people there you could make many great business connections.

      I think Spain would be great as well but I am partial to Argentina. I lived there for 4.5 months in college and I could've stayed a lifetime. Buena suerte y cuidate.

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