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Ok right my computer was absolutely fine (and still is as far as I know) but all of a sudden whenever I open Internet Explorer (it's not my main 'net source I use AOL but I need 'net explorer so I can use this OGame site (Yeah I'm weird)) right it comes up with this message instead of the default website that says: "Insecure Internet activity. Threat of virus attack

Due to insecure Internet browsing your PC can easily get infected with viruses, worms and trojans without your knowledge, and that can lead to system slowdown, freezes and crashes.

Also insecure Internet activity can result in revealing your personal information.

To get full advanced real-time protection for PC and Internet activity, download IE Anti virus.

We recommend you to protect your PC now and continue safe Internet browsing.

Click here to get full advanced real-time protection and continue browsing.

Continue to this website unprotected (not recommended). "

Although sometimes instead it'll come up with the default website and one of those stupid annoying windows, that give the options and don't let you close them, over the top of the default site. That one says:

"Dangerous Error!

Attention, User! Some dangerous viruses detected in your system. Microsoft Windows XP files corrupted. This may lead to the destruction of important files in C:\WINDOWS. Download protection software now!

Clik OK to download the aintispyware. (Recommended)

And the options are obviously yes or no. Now it's one of those stupid windows that don't let you close them and won't go away unless you choose an option. I know that these aren't meant to come up randomly when I open internet explorer h**l unless they're from the computer they shouldn't come up at all and those normally come up at random times not every f*cking time I open Internet Explorer! So I click No presuming this to be some kind of weird pop-up and I can't acces any websites on Internet Explorer it just won't let me it comes up with black page and then brings up more of these stupid virus warning things. So I rebooted the computer hoping it would f*ck off and nope it did it again as soon as I opened Internet Explorer but only when I opened Internet Explorer! So this time I choose Yes in the hopes that if I let it install some virus software it'll leave me alone and let me use Internet Explorer and so I do that and it seems fin I now have a virus software program that runs a quick scan and finds three things that it thinks are viruses (ironically one of them was MSN Messenger!) I try to remove the other two and it won't let me unless I purchase the software, at this point it becomes apparent that it's obviously a scam that this message is coming up and forcing me to install software that won't work unless I buy it. Now I'm obviously not going to buy it (I already have anti virus software and I'm not going to give in to a f*cking scam!) so I uninstall the software hoping that it'll think I've installed it and stop the stupid message on Internet Explorer coming up. But nope it still comes up, so once again I install the software but this time ignore it thinking that h**l it's not doing any harm being there and maybe the f*cking message will go away but even though I've installed the software it still comes up and won't let me use Internet Explorer! Now I don't know if buying the software is going to get this f*cking message to go away but I'm not going to buy something on the off chance that it might get rid of a pop-up that shouldn't even be on my computer. Not that it's really relevant, but when I click the link to site to buy the software off of (out of curiosity not wanting to buy it) it won't load the site so I can't buy it anyway.

So now I can't use Internet Explorer because of this f*cking pop-up thing. It can't be Microsoft as it's illegal to force me to install software and then force me to buy it. I presume this is some kind of virus pop-up thing but how the f*ck did I get that all I use my computer for is to check my emails, listen to music (in Media Player) and use MSN Messenger.

Has anyone else had this thing happen to them and how the f*ck do I get it to f*cking f*ck the f*ck off?!




  1. If you do not have a anti-virus program the one. One I would suggest getting is Avast Anti-virus. The one I personally use is Avast. It updates daily and is very user friendly. Another you could use is a online virus scan As for a spyware program the 2 that I use on a regular basis are SUPERAntiSpyware and SpyBot S&D. I sometimes use Ad-Aware. Before running these programs make sure to update them. Those all together keep my system clean of malware and spyware. After running these programs on your computer I would think things would go back to normal after removing whatever it was that messed things up.

    Also I do not know if you have one, but I would suggest you install a firewall to prevent any attacks happening to you in the future. A good firewall that I use is Sygate Personal Firewall. It is very user friendly and alerts you if any programs or websites are trying to get into your computer. Gives you stable and very good protection, for no price at all and the program runs very smoothly on older computers too.

  2. Hi i can tell that your upset. Walk away from your pc and get someone out to look at it.

  3. yea ur IE browsers been 'hijacked', meaning its been made to lead to another site as a homepage.  You can just use like ad-adware and spybot to get rid of this.  

  4. have you even got your anti virus switched on?

  5. A virus by the sound of it, needs re-booting. Either get someone to do it for you that you know or take it to PC world and they'll do it for around £20.

  6. This is a Bugger of a virus to get rid off either the AV that you run will not get rid of it or the Virus itself will replicate as soon as you delete it. if you are running Xp boot your commputer into safe mode and then     * Click Start.

        * Open My Computer.

        * Select the Tools menu and click Folder Options.

        * Select the View Tab.

        * Under the Hidden files and folders heading select Show hidden files and folders.

        * Uncheck the Hide protected operating system files (recommended) option.

        * Click Yes to confirm.

        * Click OK.

    This will Show hidden files that are running on your computer

    From here run a spyware and anti virus Check on your computer

    Do not open I.E or any files apart from your Virus checkers!!!!

    once this is complete and if it states that the virus is deleted boot your computer back into normal mode and try again.

    Again this Virus is a ***** to get rid off and you may have to do a system restore. in the feuture if this happens from a site do not just close the page using the close button press CTRL,ALT and DELETE and close windows from the task manager as closing it the normal way may also install the virus. If this does not help I will also post another virus checker that performs 6 different scans for virus and Spyware.

    Hope this helps!!!!

  7. im sorry i only finished half way reading it .its too much to read lol

    but you sould get it chacked by a computer nerd hahahah

  8. how's about completely deleting everything off your pc,

    but save everything first.

  9. You already have spyware on your computer that is causing this.  I did a google search for "Insecure Internet activity" and came up with the link below which has a solution.  Hope it works.

  10. Other answers aren't really helping you. This is what you do. Download Windows Defender ( AND Spybot Search and Destroy ( These are completely free, so you don't have to pay for anything. Also use Firefox 3 ( as often as possible. It is an internet browser like Internet Explorer but works faster, smoother, is free and does not have nearly as much security holes as Internet Explorer does.

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