
WHAT THE HECK........should i ask!?!?!?!?!? LOL?

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WHAT THE HECK........should i ask!?!?!?!?!? LOL?




  1. ask what?

  2. I dunno, really!! Some people can make so good questions, and I say, why I didn't come up with something like that!!

    At least I guess I'm good at answering....

  3. Whatever you're wondering about!

  4. ask why you just blew 5 points

  5. ask your self that why the heck did you ask the above question

  6. ask something you have always wonderd about like why does the moon glow at night (not a very good example i know but hey lol) or ask something more funny like why the h**l in the cillit bang advert do the words not match what the guy is saying

  7. need a break?

  8. anything that you can think of.

  9. to be excused

  10. I think you just wasted some points ! Go ahead and ask!?!?!?!?!Laughing out loud at you?

  11. Start with something simple like:

    Can anyone explain Einstein's theory of relativity?

  12. You've just wasted 5 pnts, I f you have nothing to ask SHUT THE h**l UP!!!Until you do

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