

by  |  earlier

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i messed up and befriended this girl who is totally obnoxious, mean, loud, and bossy. after a couple weeks, i noticed how she talks to her boyfriend, totally degrading him, saying he has a small p***s in front of anybody and everybody, i noticed how she screams at her 2yr old girl, and when she stared screaming and bossing me around i put an end to the friendship because she makes me really uncomfortable when she goes on her rants. anyways, i was previously friends with her brother in law. i just today get a IM from him saying that i have been talking trash about him and he called me a few not so nice words. truth be told, i haven't said anything. so now what do i do, i want to call this ----- so bad and let her have it, or should i sit and wait and let karma take control? help plz




  1. Tell him you have said nothing and thought you guys were friends.

    Then walk away. Delete him from you IM so he cannot continue with the upsetting false accusations. It is not your problem. Sounds like this drama queen is trying to drag you back in..through the mud no less.

  2. if you can't convince her to stop the way she is,you act like her, talk back to her, if she's  still stronger than u, learn karate..kungfu and  fight backkkk>>>kick her *** till she understand how bad she is..

  3. I'm a big believer when it comes to Karma, so yeah. You should defenetly let Karma take over and f#C& her up the you know what.

    in the other hand, you could just brush it off your shoulder and just let them talk. You don't need BS in your life...Right?

    Good luck!

  4. Don't blow up at her. Stand up to her and tell her to stop being such a f---ing b---h. Say it like you mean it. And then tell her brother-in-law that she doesn't like you and she made that up to turn him against you.

  5. kick her ***

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