
WHAT is wrong with my auction??? HARDLY ANY BIDS!! WHY??? What do YOU think of it???

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Why isn't anyone bidding on my item???

Is there something WRONG with it???? Is it the way I worded it or something???


All answers / opinions are welcome!!!

Thanks in advance!




  1. Several things:

    Because this is pick-up only, there aren't a lot of people to whom this auction appeals. All of a sudden the tens of millions of people who shop on eBay drops to maybe a couple of dozen who might be interested in your auction.

    Also, seeing an opening bid of $1.29 on an item you say is worth over $4000 is a huge disconnect. Of course you aren't going to get this for $1.29, so it almost smacks of being a scam. Your opening bid should be something more realistically related to what you expect to get for the gear.

    Next, since you are insisting on PayPal only, you've further reduced the number of people who might be interested. Yes, most people on eBay use PayPal, but some steadfastly refuse to open an account. The potential population of buyers keeps getting smaller and smaller with each restriction you place on the auction.

    Your photos don't do the equipment justice. Except for the speaker pictures, everything has a huge flash reflection in the middle that makes it impossible to evaluate the condition of the merchandise.

    And lastly, this equipment is 20 years old! Most every audiophile - who are the only people who might be interesting in this system - know that technology has advanced leaps and bounds beyond the quality of late '80s audio gear. Unless someone is a collector or has a particular affinity for the retro-sound they will get from this equipment, they are going to bypass it for more modern, high-quality gear. asked. I don't think you have much hope of selling this - at least not for anything close to what you seem to be hoping to get.

    I also think eBay is completely broken. It's lost its fun. There are far too many scammers and crooks operating on eBay now that people are leaving it for places like Craig's List instead.

  2. Becuase there is still 6 days left. People usually dont start bidding untill atleast 3 days left, Ive had auctions that didnt start getting bids untill the last few hours. Just Have Patience....

  3. Ok, allknowing makes a good point, that even in high demand items on eBay might not see many, if any, bids that early on.

    The way that eBay works, there is really no advantage in placing a bid early. In fact, there is often a *disadvantage* in doing so, if you really want to buy the item, because it lets everyone else know that you're interested. What tends to happen in most bids go on the last day, and most of those in the last hour, or last 30 seconds.

    That said, you're selling what was a lower end audio combo of the early 80s. Sharp was never a major or seriously followed brand of audio gear, so I'm not sure that this offering of yours will be worth very much to anyone. No one serious will find it useful as a main playback system.

    Given that anyone can buy new, home theater audio gear for comfortably under a thousand, with all the modern inputs, and so on, retro audio gear thats not HT compatible in any way isn't likely to draw a lot of buying attention. Sorry.

    Now, if you were selling a Nakamichi tape deck, especially a Dragon (An actual Nak model of very high end cassette deck of the late 80s, well loved in high end circles), well, you'd be beating off those buyers with a stick.

    PS. I pretty much agree with Zosh, too.

  4. Cone tweeters are usually only seen on inexpensive speakers.  I'd be surprised if the system sold for even as much as $1000 originally, but someone who didn't know any better might have been suckered into paying that much at a department store.  The amp is moderately useful since it could be used to run a couple of subwoofers in a pinch; it apparently uses the 120W RMS/8 ohms STK 4241 modules.  

    Try a reserve price of $100, and let people pay with cash, which is reasonable if they're gonna pick it up.


    it's an 80's sound system......  and it is in no way worth $4000 as you said  maybe back on launch day.but wait ..oh no you put the msrp at release as around $3000........  

    in all seriousness it's a niche object. there are very few people that would buy such a beast that is not even by a reputable maker. it's not like they're vintage b&w's with a valve amp!

  6. In effect you are looking for a buyer in Chester, South Carolina. You should just list it in your local newspaper.

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