
WHAT should i DO?! i need college help!?

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I have a 2.7 GPA, ( I'm about to go into senior year of high school) and a 2000 on my SAT. I also play golf for my school and we have been undefeated state champs for 6 years. I will be taking 3 AP classes and mostly all else is honors. I do a lot of charity work.WHAT are the best colleges i could get into and should apply to?? please help i have to start applying like NOW and i have NO IDEA where to apply!




  1. Apply to good state schools. I'm your age too, and we scored about the same on the SAT, and I'm applying to at least two Ivy Leagues. That 2.7 is going to hurt you though, unless you can sufficiently explain it. Hope I helped!

  2. Your GPA is okay, and I bet will go up a bit with the weighting due to your AP classes and honors. Your SATs are solid. But it's the golf... do you want to play golf in college? Do you think you're good enough to play for a college team? Because that might be your way into some schools.

    Here is a listing of all the NCAA men's golf teams (I'm assuming you're male. If you're female, use the site to look up the women's teams):

    If any of those schools interest you, and you want to play for them, call their admissions department and tell them so. They should be able to connect you with their golf coach.

    Sometimes, if you're good, and the team wants you, and your grades are okay but your SATs are fine, the coach can have some pull re: admissions. So you may be able to use golf as your way to get into a school where your GPA might normally make you borderline.

    As an aside, I believe that the division 1 teams offer some limited golf scholarships. The other divisions, I'm less sure of. But this is something you can ask about.  

  3. I am a freshman in college and i say that you have very high sat scores. i wish my sat scores were that high. you can get into any college you want with your sat scores, but not your gpa. your gpa on a college scale is like an 82% average and that's okay but you have to bring it up extremely high if you want to get into the better colleges. i say apply for in state colleges and you can probably transfer for your sophomore year to an ivy league or any school of your choice. but for right now concentrate on getting your gpa up because colleges are not only going to look at your sat scores, but also your grades.

  4. Something seems very odd.  A 2.7 is a very low average for entering freshmen - you can expect to go to, at best, a second or third-tier school.  So why are you taking advanced placement, which by definition are for the best of the best and highest achievers?

    Sorry if that's harsh, but it's like going into an olympic marathon with a 15 minute mile.  It seems like you're setting yourself up to fail and bring your GPA down even lower.

    A 2000 SAT isn't bad, but a 2.7 is.  You need to do extremely well this year or your chances of getting into a good school are very low (and don't bother applying to an Ivy).  To that end, taking AP classes won't do much for you.  

    You should really talk to a school counselor before going down this path.  

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