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  1. herbs

  2. Definitely take two Advil Liquid Gels, they work within 10-15 minutes. They work great for headaches!

  3. Getting regular Chiropractic adjustments helps a great deal.

    A cloth soaked in a bowl of herb tea (peppermint, rosemary, sage) and ice cubes applied to the forehead, and a heating pad applied to the feet (Or a hot foot bath) will bring relief to many headache sufferers.

    Additionally, drinking chamomile tea with drops of Valerian tincture, and inhaling essential oil of peppermint can be very helpful.

    For migraines: (if the headache includes sensitivity to light and sound, or nausea) For treating symptoms:

    Feverfew will help the pain, ginkgo biloba aids circulation and can reduce sensitivity to light and sound, peppermint will help with the nausea.

    At the onset:

    Take lecithin (between 3 and 6 1,200 mg capsules ) at the first sign of a migraine- it lessens both length and severity of the headache.

    Inhale essential oil of lavender at the beginning of a migraine- this also can lessen pain and duration.

    To prevent occurrences:

    Avoid avocados, aged meats, chocolate, MSG, nitrites, canned fish, alcohol and dairy products.

  4. Excedrin. By far- nothing touches Excedrin when you have a headache! Drink a lot of water too!

  5. I am doing a "Webinar" tonight on restoring health and re-balancing the body. It is at 7pm PST (Ca. time) and will be about 30 min. To join the "Webinar" go to and click on "join a webinar." Follow the prompts and put in the ID# 246-086-200. Call into the Conf. line at 712-432-3000 pin# 311733. I will be on 10 minutes early to walk anyone that needs help through the log in process for the "Webinar." Sincerely, Dave

  6. Take two Aleve Tablets Or 800 mg of Ibuprophin.

  7. WEED  

  8. It depends on what they are from. You have to get to the root of the problem. It won't do any good to just supress the pain until you get to the root of the pain.

    For some it may be sinus headache so you will need to get your sinuses drained and this is possible without surgery.

    You just might need to be aligned back up especially if you had a hard fall, labor, and injury at anytime in your life.  

  9. Disprin

  10. Drink lots of water... A lot of headaches are caused because the brain is starting to dehydrate.  Do you remember the Nursery rhyme Jack and Jill, well it isn't a wives tale.  Vinegar and brown paper.  Although any paper works....  Tip some vinegar on a sheet of paper, press it to your forehead and lie down quietly for an hour or so ... It works like magic.

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