
WHERE CAN I WORK AT 13 YEAR OLDS in orlando,florida?

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WHERE CAN I WORK AT 13 YEAR OLDS in orlando,florida?




  1. babysitting is about all you can do, you are not old enough to work (on a payroll)

  2. at 13, at least in MO, the only way you could get a job like a real job at a store or anything is if you worked for family that owned a business. and even then you would be limited on days and hours.

    check this out:

    take the class and then print out some flyers saying who you are, you are a certified sitter, and how to contact you. go to a park or daycare and hand them out. around here you can also post a few on an ad board in tha grocery stores. maybe even, with parents ok, post an ad on under services.

    you could also consider yard work, window cleaning, car washing, and as i think of more i'll post them.

    pooper scooper (people's backyrads, picking up after their dogs, a kid around your age started one here about 10 years ago and he is STILL doing it and making a lot of money)

    good luck!!

  3. sorry but at the age of 13 you wont be gettin any jobs, people wont even look at your application, your just to young. but at 16 you can get a working permit from your guidance counsler or main office, then they will take you. but for now, forget it. just clean some garages or ask your parents,

  4. get a paper route.

  5. newspaper route or babysitting. clean the house for an older neighbor. you don't want an actual're only 13...have some fun!!

  6. Babysitting....

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