
WHERE IS THE BEST INDIAN restaurant to eat in galway ireland?

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WHERE IS THE BEST INDIAN restaurant to eat in galway ireland?




  1. Helloh Lucy , And it's top of the eevinin to you....

                               Surely and begorrah,iod state it here and now that the very best l**k-smackin',taste burstin', toungue tortured, sweat drippin', **** on fire currys, this side of the misisssssippppi ,or whatever they call that stream in U.S.A. is moi freind Sammy Singhs ................................In this place the meals are so hot that shooode yerself have the need to visit the throne room , they do their patrons the obligement of providing chilled toilet-paper so that yir botty doesn't go on fire ............

                 My favoite there is a dooobell donner-kebabababab.

    Shoood ye ever visit himself in his food feedery place tell him that Josie-Boy sent ya and yule be givvin' a 10% discount and a extra chilled toilet paper roll with his autograffffff on it.

          Eye trust thattt you can seee a BIG inproovment in moi spelling .....................Withh lots of love to ye Lucy darlin'


  2. You might try the following Restaurant.  It has authentic Indian food and is acclaimed as very very good by the locals.

    The Clay Oven/Indian Food

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