
WHERE can we use Solar Power?

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WHERE can we use Solar Power?




  1. Solar cooker: A solar cooker is a cooking utensil that uses absolutely no fuel for cooking. You can cook food for up to five people in the small box. If you are thinking that using a solar cooker will reduce your chances of spreading up a varied platter on the dining table, you will be surprised to know that you can not only boil food items in the cooker but also roast and bake! The only limitation with the solar cooker is the time it takes to cook. However, given the free source of energy it uses, this is a great option for cutting down those sky-rocketing bills and saving some power.

    Solar home lighting: A solar home lighting system converts solar energy into electrical energy for your home. This is done via cells that are charged with solar energy. So, in the night, if you wonder how the lights are on in the house, it is because of the solar energy stored in the solar cells. You can install the solar home lighting system in your house and not worry about the electricity bills anymore.

    Solar heating system: Installing a solar heating system in your home helps cutting down your electricity bill along with saving the world’s quickly-exhausting power. If you are worried that a solar heating system will turn your sweet home into a gadget house or that it will be an expensive investment, your concerns are misplaced. Companies providing solar power solutions for homes make it a point to install aesthetically-pleasing heating systems in your house. As per as expenditure is concerned, investing in a solar heating system is wise because you get a return on your investment within 3-4 years, giving you absolutely free service after that.

    You can get a step by step instructions at

  2. Solar power can be used anywhere there is enough sunlight to charge solar panels.  You need to be a little more specific with your question.  Solar panels are put on houses facing the south in the northern region to absorb the most sun rays.  The company i work with hooks up panels that use net metering.  So during the day they run your meter backwards and at night you use the power you charged up during the day.  Its a great way to save the enviroment and they rent the panels to you so there is no huge cost. look at and read about it its a great idea.  C.  

  3. we can use solar power when the sun shines or if there is enough solar power in your surroundings. mostly, solar power can be used at daytime because sun can release more solar power than at night.

  4. Any place that isn't dark, preferably Geostationary orbit.

    To use solar power in places where it is dark periodically (such as say, Earth) you either have to be able to tolerate periodic loses of power (not an option for electricity generation), store the energy somehow (still not solved on the scale we need it to be) or use other technologies to provide power when it is dark (what actually happens, usually burning fossil fuels).

    Of course the amount of sunlight you get also matters, far from the equator of Earth there's just not enough light for solar to be viable.  For space stations solar power should be viable well out past the orbit of Neptune with the use of mirrors but that's not a very good solution on Earth because the concentrator would have to survive forces a space based concentrator wouldn't be exposed to.

  5. Solar power is only useful if you live in a place where the sun shines at least 300 days out of the year. The cost savings per kilowatt hour will not add up to the costs in installation unless you live in places like Arizona. Then again it will take years to recover all the initial costs of solar power installation.

  6. anywhere and with new technology like this it can be used in more places and not just really sunny ones .....

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