
WHEW OK! Now who thinks this VP pick has just ruined McCain's chances altogether?

by  |  earlier

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Now that I've caught my breath from all the laughing and hysteria and verified this news is actually correct ...

a) Has McCain lost his mind ?

b) What oh what will he possibly do now? Obama has Biden. McCain has "a self styled hockey mom" that nobody has ever heard of.

LOL. Where do you LOL I mean LOL. oh nevermind.




  1. Your sarcasm is amusing. See ya at the polls in November.  

  2. We'll see if you're still laughing on November 5th.

  3. they think she's a hot soccer mom LOL *:)

  4. Completely out of left field.  I know nothing about her, but she better be a pistol if she's going to hold her own against Biden in the VP debates.

  5. I think it probably strengthened his chances.

    Obama slit his throat picking Biden.

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