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i know it might be imposible to prove but try give reason and sources plz ty stormy lynn




  1. the moon is younger then the earth and the earth is younger then the sun.

    the sun formed about 5 billion years ago, and earth about 4.57 billion years ago.... the moon formed about 4.52 billion years ago.

    the moon was created when a mars sized planet slammed into the early earth (named theia).... it added to earth's mass, but it also threw an incredible ammount of dust into space.... this would have formed a ring much like you see around saturn. gradually particles would bump into each other and stick, and this would continue to happen, until eventually, one clump started getting enough mass to create a gravitational effect so that everything started collecting on to it, and this would have probably looked kinda like an invisible vacuum cleaner zipping around cleaning up all the 'dirt'.... this process would continue until it had all been collected..... about a hundred years  later (i believe) the moon cooled and became a lifeless rock....

    "I would rely on slightly better knowledge. Human conjecture says stars>earth>moon, but there's One who knows better.

    The Earth came first, then the sun and moon and stars. - Genesis 1"

    wow... i've never heard anything so ignorant in my life... then again back in the olden days.... the catholic church did try to teach us the world was flat, and supressed most all knowledge that said otherwise (quite alot of it, look it up)

  2. earth

  3. I would rely on slightly better knowledge. Human conjecture says stars>earth>moon, but there's One who knows better.

    The Earth came first, then the sun and moon and stars.

  4. Conventional wisdom says that stars were formed first, followed by planets, followed by moons.

    But there is one theory that says that the Earths moon was formed by a huge explosion (possibly a asteroid hit) that knocked part of the earth away, and made a second body called the moon.


    But for any specific star (except our sun), we don't know when it was made -- before or after the earth.

  5. The sun, earth and moon formed at more or less the same time.

    As has already been stated in another answer, the moon probably formed a little after the earth. As for when the sun formed relative to the earth, that's tricky. Once the sun became a fully-fledged star (i.e. nuclear fusion had started), the radiation pressure from the sun would have cleared out most of the debris and put an end to planet building. So the sun should be marginally older than the earth.

    As for the stars...

    We can see stars that are very old (and because it takes light time to travel to us, some of them might not exist now, even tho we see them!)

    Stars form all the time and die all the time, so some stars are younger than the Earth. In particular, stars like Rigel in Orion, which is a Blue Supergiant, are high mass and have short lives. Rigel must be younger than the Earth because these stars only live tens of millions of years.

    On the other hand, stars that are red dwarfs (red main sequence stars) can have lifetimes that are over a trillion years, so some of them will be older than Earth.

  6. same age

  7. Stars have been around for at least 11 billion years. The Earth around for about 4 billion, and the moon (actually the result of an early Earth/asteroid impact) about 3.5 billion years.  

  8. Eath i only 5 billion years old the stars have been around for over 12 billion years at least maybe even before god was 12.

  9. Many of the stars are older,  they are so old that the light from them reaching us now, came from a time before any life existed on earth.

    the milky way is just one galaxy, there are older ones

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