
WHICH Location on EARTH do you feel you belong to Apart from your country ?

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What is the Country or City that you feel comfortible with ? or you feel it represents your personality! and whats your sign ?

USA , Europe , Middleeast, FAREAST (Thiland , China)...etc

My answer:


What about you ?!




  1. i would love to be in sicily. i think that is how you spell it. or maybe london or paris. their love stories are amazing. and who could pass up going to paris?


  2. Capricorn - Seattle, Washington.

    Fun question! I didn't even know till I read this question. Props for creativity.

  3. Libra- relaxed   Southern France

  4. Libra-Prague

  5. Europe, Southeast Asia, any countries in Mediterranean...

    Any city outwest from Louisville,ky- El Paso,TX- Colorado Springs, CO- San Diego,CA- all the way- Olympia,WA...Last but not least, is my home State """Hawaii"""..


  6. Well, since I'm an EARTH sign I feel at home in many places. I just stay grounded, or atleast try to.

    My answer: Spain (country)

    I've always wanted to go to NY (city)

    My sun is a Virgo

  7. PARIS-the city of lights...ehehehe


  8. Sag - Old World Europe from history

  9. Hey bad_devil; finally a good question.............

    Boston - city

    Canada, British Columbia - country

    Sagittarius sun

  10. Sweden probably, I like cold places and I love being neutral!


  11. capricorn-calm and quiet-Redang Island Malaysia.....

  12. I'm a Gemini, and I LOVE Japan.

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