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plz.. i already pass the asvab i got high enough to join which ever branch i want..all 4 are interesting..but dont knw which one is best for me..




  1. Instead of asking people on Y!A go to a recruiter in each branch (with your ASVAB scores) and find out what they can offer you.

  2. Well, that would require me to know what kind of personality you have.  Talk to all 5 recruiters and decide from there.  

  3. I was in the Air Force and i enjoyed. I met a lot of people from the other branches. Met some that enjoyed their job in their branch, met a lot that said they wished they went into the Air Force.

    The reasons why i went into the air force was because i wanted to work with computers and at the time you heard more about computers in the AF than the other branches. Now days its all about the same. The other reason i went in was because i wanted the military to help pay for my college (which all branches do).

    i wont tell you to go into the AF because i was in, you have to decide what branch is best for you, might help you decide by making a list of your job interests that you want to do in the military and what each branch has to offer for that interest and the benefits you get. Of course you can get info on each one by talking to the recruiters and they can tell you what to expect from that branch of the military toward your goal.

  4. I am a 27 yr old female in the Army Guard.  I was active Army for almost 6 years.  I joined when I was 17.  I had great times, and not so great times.  You have to choose wisely for this is years of your life you are committing to the goverment and your self and family.  First you must ask yourself are you ready to deploy to Iraq/ Afg.?  If you are not sure then definetly don't join the Army or Marines.  I really believe that they deploy far more than the AF or Navy and are definetly in harms way.  I was in Iraq for a year and wouldn't change the experience for anything, but am soooo glad to be  home.  I would recommend either the Air Force or Army.  Which ever you choose please get a good job/MOS.  I went in as an engineer/ bridge builder where the majority was male.  It was very difficult on me.  I had a lot to live up to to keep up with my male counter part.  The medical field, or administrative fields are great to go into.  I am currently a police officer working administrative in the Army Guard.  

    Basic training can be tough, but remember it will be over soon and you will be a better person because of it.  Be strong, have thick skin, and all will work out!  Good luck!

  5. "WHICH ONE IS BEST FOR YOU" only God knows , So please offer a prayer to God and discuss the choice of branch with your family and friends , then decide yourself , God Bless.

  6. Bad news - there are FIVE branches of the armed forces.  Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force - and the U.S. Coast Guard.

    Which is best for you?  Decide why you want to join, and then decide on what you would like to do - and what you definitely DON'T want to do.  From there, it may help you out.

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