
WHICH ONE?????????!!!!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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i cant decide should i eat


chicken fried rice

or beef sandwich???




  1. Eat all three and then decide which one was the best for you in that moment. This will help you to decide for yourself in the future.

  2. Chicken Fried Rice

  3. chicken fried rice...yum yum

  4. I would go with chicken fried rice, for this reason: I think it'll be more filling and because I just like chicken fried rice better than the other two options.

  5. chicken fried rice

    can u please answer my question?;...

  6. definitely chicken fried rice

  7. Chicken fried rice!!!!!!! my god i love that stuff........... i can smell it now...........       xxxxx Oh i want some....

  8. chicken fried rice ! :)

  9. Eat it all. you only live once.

  10. chicken fried rice sounds good

  11. beef!!!

  12. beef sandwiche


  14. Chicken fried rice for deffo :)  

  15. Beef Sandwich sounds like the best choice.

  16. alyssa,  i would go with all of them.  i have a high metabolism;  so i can afford to.  but if i was to just choose one i would go with chicken fried rice.  which ever you decide,  enjoy.

  17. chicken fried rice!!

  18. beef sandwich

  19. you should eat potstickers. they are sooo yummy! and generally healthier than the other options...

  20. beef sandwich:]

  21. i know!chicken fried rice!that stuff is good =D

  22. chicken fried rice yummy

  23. beef!! Its whats for dinner!! haha

  24. Well it depends on how you feel, but how about the potstickers with chicken fried rice.

    You can have the sandwich next time. And now I'm hungry lol =P

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