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which signs is the most who "copy your behaviour"?

like when you talk to them and streach they do the same thing like a "reflection" ?




  1. a Sagittarius! he is always try to copy me even thought he is a boy and i am a gurl! i am libra by the way!

  2. Aquarius....ex-friend would try to be me more, but he's a 'guy' and i'm a girl.

    there are certain things he can't imitate (though he would like to) : (

    poor, poor him.....

  3. a libra

    my friend ia a libra and she copy's me all the time lol i dont mind though

    help me with my problem;...

  4. My Taurus friends always pick up on my mannerisms and behaviors. They often take on my opinions over time.

    I'm a Libra---I do my own thing, and have strong opinions.  

  5. Copying body language is something friends do unconsciously and also sometimes people who are attracted to you. Something to do with people feeling more comfortable when they are in sync. So basically that could be any sign or whichever one is more likely to want to put people at ease I guess if you look at it that way.

  6. LIBRA'S copy EVERYTHING.  My best friend's a Libra, and I love her to death, but she copies everything that me and the girls in my group of friends do. It can get really annoying, but I think that after a while she can tell we get aggravated and stops following us around and starts doing her own thing.  

    I'm a Gemini with a Libra rising ( the Libra girl is my best friend) but some of the girls that were close to are Pisces, Virgo, and Libra (another one, who copies a lot).

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