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i know i am :) even though its a couple months away.




  1. Meeeeeeeeee! I am over excited :D Its my first one !

    Good Day!

  2. i am =D

  3. Yes

    i am it is a month away

    and as always i will have to lead the trawih prayers which is a very very difficult task (only huffaz can understand this point) i have started revising my weak parts of Quran

    By the way there will be no SAIFY on yahoo answers in Ramadan (bussssssssssy)

  4. hmm...

    i've seen many Muslim families to get excited for Ramadaan because of the special food for iftaar, because of Eid, and doing shopping before Ramadaan and even in Ramadaan, celebrating eid in unislaamic manner etc.

    excitement is good! but..

    The purpose of Ramadaan is faar from these.. and therefore, to prepare, one can strengthen their imaan before ramadaan comes.  This helps one use the days of Ramadaan in a more effective manner with more sincerity, humbleness, and love towards Allah subhaana wa ta'ala.

    One can also follow the sunnah of fasting in the month of Shaban.  This way not only are you following a sunnah, but also, your body gets somewhat used to the schedule etc.

    If planning to give charities, and gifts, its a good idea to keep everything ready i.e. shopping before ramadaan, since you'd want to read as much Qur'aan as possible in this month, or pray taraweeh, night prayer, or just simply rest.

    to be continued...

  5. How do you get ready for ramadan?

    I come from a Muslim family and sure you get ready for Eid or for iftari with family and friends over...

    but never really gotten ready for it a month in advance lol

  6. I'm not really getting ready for Ramadan, but I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY can't wait!!! I'm so happy, and excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Your sister,

    Jee Jee

  7. i am =D

    i love Ramadan <3


  8. it's more like ramadan 1429, not 2008 =)

  9. Not gettin ready actually but waiting for it and also Ramadan starttinnn durin the 2nd day of my exciting :D

  10. I'm exctied yet a bit nervous because this will be my first Ramadan XD

  11. it's only a month away! i can't wait. =)

  12. isn't it a month away? Im excited though.

  13. its in september inshalah!

    im so excited!

    jazakum allah bel kheir!

  14. @ Roah -- People get ready by fasting a couple days a week for the month before Ramadan. and by stocking up on frequently used groceries, such as buying a big case of dates.

    @ Pinky -- I don't think anyone said it was difficult, just expressing excitement.

    I already bought some stuff a couple days ago at the grocery store, so my budget doesn't get so tight during Ramadan. We usually go through 2-3 of the big cases of dates, and usually prefer the jumbo medjool, plus cooking for Masjid, and all the baking for Eid, so I'm already stocking up.

  15. I think i should practice fasting very soon but would fasting count if you sleep the whole day threw it or no? because you dint have the intentions for it while your sleeping?!?

  16. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! cant wait!

  17. i am! kind of excited:D its my first complete ramadan since my shahadah at the end of ramadan last year (i did the last few months of ramadan, then took shahadah at eid:D)

  18. How do people get 'ready'?


  19. YEAH!!!!!!





  20. me inshaALLAH, its only one month away

  21. I don't understand how one "gets ready" for Ramadan.  For me, I just do it.  I'm old and have been doing it for so many years so maybe that's why I don't see it as such a difficult thing.


    OK then, OumFatimaRose, I think to hang up materialistic decorations is shallow and degrades  the purpose of Ramadan.

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